Make Destroyers Great Again - not UP / OP

56 minutes ago, Cr0 said:

It is funny to see people say it should take teamwork to kill destroyers but the moment they are in a situation where teamwork is needed (protecting a destroyer from covert ops) they complain so much. Teamwork is great as long as it’s everyone else having to do the teamwork…

Good lawd this all over.

A whole team is needed to take me down but i should be able to stand alone, apart, untouchable. What is other classes? XD

From one extreme to the other… error 404 - middle-ground not found.

1 hour ago, ntboble said:

I don’t think promoting defensive/passive players (or using teamwork to defend dessys) will be good for this game. Because a stealthy attack from a covop don’t give too much time to react.


Microlocators, put it in the right place (between allied lines, behind covers where enemyes can’t destroy them so easly)

Destroyers teleportation modules: don’t shoot it like a giant 'tarded using it in the same direction you are rushing to, spare the module to fast relocate when ambushed by a plasma arc.

Just quick examples.

You guys always said: team up to destroy a dessie? Now it’s your turn to team up or just find some strategies to defend them or not dye so quick by a single cov op.

But I doubt many, too many of you have the skill for that. It was way easyer sitting in an ultra survivabile ship and laugh against all other ships by sayin: adapt or dye.

You’r turn now, but I doubt you will adapt… That’s not how casual players works.


18 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

From one extreme to the other… error 404 - middle-ground not found.

Asking for “middle-ground” solutions works only when destroyers nerfs are involved? Where were the “middle-ground solutions” when WE asked for them a year ago against destroyers?

It’s too easy now to try to be the cool guy, callin for grown-up solutions when your own interest are in trouble.

Meanwhile, to understand that the guys who criticized dessies release were worrying about overall balance and not only defending their own interest, it’s not that easy. Am I right?

Yes plz. Destroyers need some sort of (actually useful) close-range defense module/secondary weapon. Point defense drones that spawn around the ship would be super nice. They could have a 1,500m radius of activation to deal with speedy interceptors and fighters that want to get up close and personal to deal some heavy hits. This would limit their time in-range and actually give the destroyer a chance. They could also repair the destroyer’s hull slowly while no enemy is within range. (Slower than heavy repair drone things)

I was actually referring to the destro group and anti destro (prolly intie in 99% of cases since we’re stereotyping) group how they can’t give up their comfort zone (of abusing devs minor misscalc of introducing something abuse-able) for the greater good of the community, balance and gameplay in general, but continue with your point tho.

25 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

if anything dessie should be nerfed.

It can be killed in literally three seconds by nearly any ship now. I think that is nerf enough.

42 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

They still have OP weapons ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

That can be disabled for nearly 30 seconds with the help of your friendly neighborhood ECM.

The point defense drones that spawn around the ship and can be switched from attack mode to repair mode would not be op.

On 16/2/2017 at 11:37 PM, Spongejohn said:

Microlocators, put it in the right place (between allied lines, behind covers where enemyes can’t destroy them so easly)

Destroyers teleportation modules: don’t shoot it like a giant 'tarded using it in the same direction you are rushing to, spare the module to fast relocate when ambushed by a plasma arc.

Just quick examples.

You guys always said: team up to destroy a dessie? Now it’s your turn to team up or just find some strategies to defend them or not dye so quick by a single cov op.

But I doubt many, too many of you have the skill for that. It was way easyer sitting in an ultra survivabile ship and laugh against all other ships by sayin: adapt or dye.

You’r turn now, but I doubt you will adapt… That’s not how casual players works.


Microlocatos won’t save the destroyer. Unless the covop comes from the front it will complete its attack. Teleport module needs aiming and time to jump even for a microjump. Once the attack with plasma arc has started it is too late.

I don’t want destroyers to be inmortal. In fact, i don’t care about destroyers in pvp. I can ignore them in battle and i never use them in pvp unless we get some kind of reward. I only think there are better ways to balance them. Give me something to make them more irrelevant in battle instead of killing them. Some extra effects which only affect destroyers to limit the weapon range or to send all those modules into cooldown or halve their drones regen… In the end it can be worse than killing them and more easy to use for casual players. Ellydium ships give us a perfect opportunity for that.

The damage multiplier is only affecting PVP and Coop. PVE and OS seems unaffected now. I At least if i need to use a destroyer in OS i will be able.