Majority Vote System

Anyone else tired of that rank Hercules selecting level 1 when your on level 23 of a certain PvE? Me too.


Add a majority vote system so that 3/4 people can veto a fourth into selecting a higher level mission because ultimately, it ruins the fun of PvE when you get a level 1-5 mission 18 times in a row with 8 different, new pilots. 





The whole level 1 mission issue comes from two different things.


  1. New players who don’t understand the level system
  2. Players only doing one PvE mission for their Iridium.


Although you won’t be able to solve point 2 point 1 can be solved by separating the newer players (max PvE level under 15) from players trying to do level 20 runs and the whatnot since most of the time when someone is trying for level 15 to 20 there is a new player with a Hercules or a Harpy or something along those lines in slot as their strongest ship which would simply make the mission unfair to them.


The majority vote would however minimise the frequency of point 2 to an extent although it could see quit outs from PvE rise a bit more.

The system is there to protect new players from being absolutly nuked by lvl 15 bots each time they start a pve. 

While it is annoying, you can easily overcome this by assembeling a squad of high level players. 


13 minutes ago, TheDerpNukem said:

The whole level 1 mission issue comes from two different things.


  1. New players who don’t understand the level system
  2. Players only doing one PvE mission for their Iridium.


Although you won’t be able to solve point 2 point 1 can be solved by separating the newer players (max PvE level under 15) from players trying to do level 20 runs and the whatnot since most of the time when someone is trying for level 15 to 20 there is a new player with a Hercules or a Harpy or something along those lines in slot as their strongest ship which would simply make the mission unfair to them.


The majority vote would however minimise the frequency of point 2 to an extent although it could see quit outs from PvE rise a bit more.

True, I see that, but they wont do that atleast I think they wont.

If people quit then they cant use those ships, so they have to deal with it.


Noo*s get blasted at R15 mission? Thats what high level pilots are there to carry for… I don’t expect a new pilots to select level 45 for me. I just want them to go with the rest of the group. IE 13 if 3 out of 4 select 13. 

if the actual system can just don’t take the vote of a loading/disconected player, this will be a really good step in the right direction.





This is still a problem. Why have 2000% more damage and HP to get level 1 PvE? Sometimes there are not enough players responding to make a group.


Loading player arrives 1s before battle starts and is level 1.


“Everyone should be allowed to choose a level” Yet most times you are letting 3/4 people not be able to choose the level they want to play…

they just need to implement a switch button for PVE : hard mode / easy mode. “Hard” mode begin at lvl15-20… with this, no need to find group (even a R1 can make a lvl15 mission… death is a part of learning for all). The problem with these lvl1-10, newbie don’t learn how to play because big guy make a fast run, and lvl1-10 for big guy is really boring… developper need to implement this kind of thing in the game for PVE player… doing 60-80% fight at lvl1-5 just makes you want to stop the game… just my opinion.

For the queue time, wait or we can go in OS farming something… if there are enough player to make a group for fight in PVE, a POP up ask you if you want join the group for fight… if yes, then you go in PVE fight directly. After the fight, you will be put at the same place before the fight… etc.

I’m a solo player, i don’t speak english or russian… faction don’t play PVE or are casual or not enough to make several squad (or/and i don’t want to take another’s place)… making squad is not easy for me and i don’t want to play always with the same players… i just want to have fun at high lvl PVE mission (like other games…) and i think not be alone in this case. Well… if i don’t want to or can’t make squad i leave the game, that is the idea ?



I have to say that the open level selection has costed us an immeasurable and toxic amount of time and it is extremely inconsiderate to suck so much lifetime out of us to sit here permanently watching a countdown timer count, just to find ourselves playing honeycake wonderland. We’re not friggin’ immortals. games are here to have fun and solve a challenge. So the game experience has to be on point. Boons HAVE to be split from the vets and I can’t stress this enough.


On 4/18/2019 at 6:39 PM, Not_rusty said:

The system is there to protect new players from being absolutly nuked by lvl 15 bots each time they start a pve. 


Well, tell them “Welcome to Star Conflict” and move on. They had their tutorial, their open space, and the Co-Op bots aren’t weak, either, they’re equal to level 20-40 PvE bots. 

We too learned the hard way before there was any selection and managed to get somewhere. Boons have many other choices to increase their stuff. They will be excited to improve. 


On 10/6/2020 at 5:41 PM, GroumFF said:

they just need to implement a switch button for PVE : hard mode / easy mode.


I agree so much. I visualized the PvE button opening three categories “Easy, Medium and Hard” and I’m pretty sure everyone will find their place.


Otherwise, if we can’t find any groups and don’t want to play random, there should be a single player PvE. Just satisfy the entire damn player base!! 

I have to say no.


There are too many times when people aren’t paying good attention and leave it to one person to pick a reasonable level.


Wasting not only time but also resources because some schmuck got carried to level 175 battles they can’t dream of handling on their own seems far worse than the occasional turkey shoot fight.