Major packet loss on approach of enemies. Somewhat solved.

I did some delving into what was lagging my brand new pc while playing this game.  I accessed what files and such were running I found that Star Conflict likes to write a lot to a user file while it’s open.  This caused me to add exceptions for the program and such which is kinda awkward having to do for a game but meh we all learn somehow.  Its causes the internal functions of Windows to start going haywire and sending logs and such about the place.  Well,  I noticed a program wfpdiag.etl was writing to the disk.  I looked about my search engine and found there’s a way to disable the logging of such events.  You open your command prompt as administrator and “netsh wfp set options netevents=off”.  This disables the function of the diagnostic.  Not it’s background functions according to the article I read.  The game likes to frame skip a bunch upon approach of another ship or engage of an npc and it’s saddening.  I just tried this and it’s helped some so far as I can tell.  

This also doesn’t help that Windows Defender even turned off scans the hell out of every file and is constantly soaking cpu.

What a log of firewall has to do with the game itself? There is something awkward with your PC, not with game. The game itself generated ~10 MB of files in 2 hours session for me. I have Windows Defender active all the time. Better do a proper bug report:


I’m bad with forums I thought I placed this in a discussion.  Also windows defender is scanning the file everytime it writes even when it defenders disabled.  Not much I can do.  Also, thanks I will resubmit with the appropriate layout and proper discussion of happenings.

Tell Window$e Defender sh t to ignore that file or that folder ! Whitelist?

On 31.03.2018 at 7:14 AM, LackofaNoun said:

I did some delving into what was lagging my brand new pc while playing this game.

Read this please

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/)