MAJOR BUG: There is no option to select attachments to delete them when you have used up all free space

Bug report:



I tried to delete attachments manually by erasing the links or by selecting them. I was unable to do so.

The Delete option cannot be selected as there is no option to mark any attachment when you’re at 100% full storage space.


Please, fix it.





If you stopped being so clingy and stopped forming attachments, you wouldn’t have this issue.

Lmao this is the one bug you’d find before anyone else.

Considering you are the 1st to hit this limit in all this time, user value for this bug fix is next to zero :P 

You should’ve done what [@GatoGrande](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/260780-gatogrande/) does and just hyperlink stuff.

8 hours ago, Ch8rub1m said:

If you stopped being so clingy and stopped forming attachments, you wouldn’t have this issue.


You got no idea what you’re talking about. In fact, blaming me for this just proves that you don’t have a clue of what I am talking about.

If not for my bug reports, then this game would have been much worse in other ways than it is. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.


If you’re so much better, then you should do bug reports from now on?

You may not even be capable of writing a proper form, being too lazy, so I wouldn’t even trust you to shovel manure.


So, mind your own business!

3 hours ago, Koromac said:


You got no idea what you’re talking about. In fact, blaming me for this just proves that you don’t have a clue of what I am talking about.

If not for my bug reports, then this game would have been much worse in other ways than it is. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.


If you’re so much better, then you should do bug reports from now on?

You may not even be capable of writing a proper form, being too lazy, so I wouldn’t even trust you to shovel manure.


So, mind your own business!


? I was making a pun-like joke. It’s hard to decipher inflection over text. I apologize


Also, I’ve been paid to shovel manure 



Okay, it’s done now. I can see the fields to mark logs for deletion. This bug report can be closed now.
