Maintenance training: Missiles - Discussion

Here you can discuss our weekly [“Maintenance training”](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21983-operation-%E2%80%9Cmaintenance-training-missiles%E2%80%9D/)

How do rewards get distributed? Is there limited number of 5 rewards or does everybody get GS that fills out the form?

Hope I got everything right.

Same here

And the winners are:

  1. RockerNova

  2. capnnic

  3. Taramuss

  4. Sahija

  5. NeoCodex

So I suppose it’s on first come first serve basis?


edit: I didn’t read all the instructions. Silly me. It’s as I thought yes. Ty for the rewards.

Dang, too slow

I give my thanks, o dread lords of the coin!