Maintenance training: Achievements - Discussion

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Thank you, as always. I can’t wait for the new patch. Once Sector Conquest gets smoothed out, the next big update should be Dreadnoughts. Then the game should be ready for official release, no?

Thank you, as always. I can’t wait for the new patch. Once Sector Conquest gets smoothed out, the next big update should be Dreadnoughts. Then the game should be ready for official release, no?


Somewhere I read that they needed a couple of patches more before adding Dreadnoughts. Cant wait for it.

First one is tricky…

Yeah >.> cant wait… /slowly dies inside.

most the ones was easy two i think i wasnt sure about but gave a scantron style guess

I really like how they give us this test thing to do when we are waiting :slight_smile:

Thank you, as always. I can’t wait for the new patch. Once Sector Conquest gets smoothed out, the next big update should be Dreadnoughts. Then the game should be ready for official release, no?


Hm, there will be some other… big thing, before dreadnoughts. But yes, we do remember of them and want them in our game as badly as you do )

Would be nice if Dreadnoughts can fortify Sectors for Corporations, so that you have to drive them away by force. :) 

I presume Dreadnaughts are quite literally Battleships which means large amounts of weapons, not only that but very large caliber, which means, a Dreadnaught should have at least 2 weapon slots, since it is a Larger ship then all of the others.


P.S. If I can.


No whining about this stuff, Gaijin on the War Thunder side are taking large hits because of the recent update set for launch in a couple weeks or so, and the ability to buy a Tank Starter pack with a CBT code with them, so this game ain’t as evil and nor are the Devs.


(You can see that cause their forum is in a Safe Mode every day)

Would be nice if Dreadnoughts can fortify Sectors for Corporations, so that you have to drive them away by force. :) 

Or increase capture time from 5 days (12 cycles) by a certain percentage / complicated maths i don’t want to go into :stuck_out_tongue:

Well Ive had a go - Most of my answers are complete guess’s though :lol:

All right, while maintenance is close to completion, the winners in our maintenance training are:

  1. moemustaine

  2. RicePirateX

  3. stargazer

  4. tangomago69

  5. Sunnyz

Rewards will soon be dispenced, we would like to thank all of our participants for joining the training!

So, nobody won today? :slight_smile:

Guess that’s a “no”, huh?

Apparently. Antibus blew the prize money on Star Conflict’s birthday party.  :yes_yes:

The results have been posted on the Facebook page but not on the Forum xD.


We have our winners, they are:

  1. kicchi

  2. vidaar

  3. Kyou

  4. ZapBrannigan

  5. Frohike

They will soon recieve their rewards, thank you for participation!