Plasma Spread Reduced 33%
Plasma Projectile Speed increased 35%
Can’t equip Plasma weapons…
Plasma Spread Reduced 33%
Plasma Projectile Speed increased 35%
Can’t equip Plasma weapons…
Now thats Epic Fail
BUT if it could, it would be much more effective!
that definately needs to be fixed or let us have the old weapons back
I vote old weapons.
This just screams to me ‘sloppy implementation’
I vote old weapons. This just screams to me ‘sloppy implementation’
The devs have been on a roll of good ideas but terribly implemented…They really need to get someone with common sense in their team that finds these things and fixes them before they get released,
that’s what happening when you change the weapons mechanics without updating bonus mechanics and tanking mechanics Look the parallax, and imagine it with Singularity cannon
This is just an old bonus which was overlooked when the new weapons were implemented. I will forward the issue.