"Lucifer" quest bugged



Today I got the “Lucifer” assignment, and it seems water tanker is bugged. After getting any daamge from pirates it stops dead, and does not move ever again, making the mission impossible to finish. You can’t kill it yourself becasue of station protection, so the only way is to let pirates kill it and hope it won’t be attacked.

You can’t kill it yourself becasue of station protection,

You can disable station protection. But the problem is not with the transport, rather the escort ships sometimes get stuck somewhere and while at least one escort is still alive the transport itself will not move until it returns to within a certain range (600m IIRC) of it.

You can disable station protection. But the problem is not with the transport, rather the escort ships sometimes get stuck somewhere and while at least one escort is still alive the transport itself will not move until it returns to within a certain range (600m IIRC) of it.


I thought the same, so I pushed escort ships away a bit, but they were just flying around, both of them - and looked absolutely normal, while engine trail of the transport was vanishing half way, hard to say whot AI logic causes this, might be both escort and transport - but something is doing that.


Also the name of that quest… a bit inadequate, does not relate to anything, apart transpot name maybe, but who names transports like that? Especially water transports :wink:

Agreed on the assignment name, had me blink as well when I first got it. And the transports have 4 escorts, so if there were only 2 chances were at least one of the other two was stuck somewhere. Don’t get me wrong, that’s still a bug that needs fixing.