[LRF] The sniping art.



The Long Range Frigate (LRF)



Summary :

  • LRF, their goal, weakness, and advantages.

  • Special modules

  • Actives modules.

  • Tips.

  • Build ideas.



LRF, their goal, weakness, and advantages :

LRF, like there name say, are long range fire support. Like gunships and covert ops, they are designed 

to deal an insane amount of damage. You can find them with the Empire or with Jericho. A contrary to covert ops or gunships that rely on boost to deal damage, LRF have a raw higher DPS than anybody else with their guns. How ? Thanks to their 6 big turrets, 2 more turrets then guard and engi, which mean 50% more damage.


Wait, you said long range fire support. But where’s the ‘long range’ ?

Easy : I talked about their guns, but I forgot one thing. Their special ! I’ll explain it further in the second part. But you should know that their special is a new weapon that has long range and high damage. Or course, you are not forced to use it and can use only your guns, and build your ship with range modules to stay safe.


So they are powerful, and have a good range. But what are the pro and cons of playing LRF ?

Like I said, LRF have a true firepower (The best in game) and the longest range too. But their problem is that they are slow fat and not that tanky. In fact, LRF have a 20% health malus. So LRF are really great when it come to put pressure on the enemy team,  but they also need to rely more on help from team mates than any other class. A Covert Ops on their back is the end for them. But a LRF that stay alive on a team fight = death on the enemy team. 


LRF also benefit from a special missile called Minefields which release mines that can explode up to 4 times and deal a fair amount of damage. Great as a defense for sniping.




Special modules :

First, you need to know that Jericho LRF (JLRF) and Empire LRF (ELRF) are different ! JLRF and ELRF are not only respectively shield tanking and hull tanking, but also have a different special module. The ELRF possess a special called Disintegrator, which basically is a sniper. While JLRF have a Guided Torpedoes that deal AOE damage.

LRF’s specials are not affected by implants so the r4 missile implant won’t buff the guided torpedoes sadly. But the damage special scale like covert ops, with the guns level. So an mk4 weapon will allow to deal more damage with your special than with an mk1.

Also, when a LRF uses his special, the ship progressively stops itself and directly enters a new mode with a completely new display. While in this mode, you can’t move anymore, and have a reduced field of vision, but  you can still use active modules. So be careful and don’t use it when there’s an enemy at 500 meters. You should know that you can still shoot missiles in this mode.



The Empire special module. When you activate it, your ship goes into sniping mode. To deactivate this mode, simply reactivate the special module. When you go into sniping mode, you have to wait for the first shot to load before firing. A shot takes about 3-4 seconds to charge (18 RoF).  Notice that when you lock on to a target in sniping mode, the prediction marker adapts itself to show where to shoot.


Be aware that when you aim with this mode, enemy pilots will see a red beam from your ship as a targeting indicator. (doesn’t do damage, just for warning purposes). This red beam makes you highly visible to enemies in the vicinity of the beams direction. Disitegrator has a high projectile speed and long range (about 10k). But you should use it on targets that are between 3k and 7k distance, otherwise it can be hard to land a hit.



2gLuDaQ.png Guided Torpedoes

The Jericho special module. When you activate it, your ship goes into sniping mode and instantly shoots a guided torpedo. Once your torpedoe explodes, you leave the sniping mode and go back to normal.

There are 2 ways to make the torp  explode : Hit your Target (Rock, Player, Beacon or whatever) or press “F”.


In fact, with this mode, you can control the torpedoes with mouse and keyboard to make them turn,… When the torp explodes, it unleashes an AOE damage with a 1000m radius, then leaves a cloud that deals damage over time for the next 10 seconds with a 400m radius.

The torp is great for area denial, but can be destroyed by guards missile shield and flares will disrupt the control of your torp. Btw, the torp is slow, so you should use it between 1300 to 5000 range. Above that distance, the travel time is higher than reload time, if you’re not using tachyon. Explained further below. Be carfull when shooting at stuff within 1000 meters of yourself, you’ll take the hit from your own torp!




Actives modules :

So, active modules. LRF comes with 5 specific modules. Oh, I forgot to say ! LRF special isn’t affected by implants/critical, BUT is affected by the LRF active modules. LRF modules are made to improve their special and protect them.


VU72hH8.png Weapon Overcharge (rank 1 and above)

Nothing more then a damage buff for your special. The next shot within 20 second will have a great damage boost. Sadly, you can’t use it with his brother Tachyoon overcharge. If you had the tachyoon buff but didn’t use it before weapon overcharge activation, then the tachyoon buff disappear.  Weapon overcharge allow a great burst for slower targets (Because you are sure to hit them) so is great to take down another LRF or an engineering frigate, or even a guard, while against interceptors, it’s a bit useless. 



3b0ppdy.pngTachyoon Overcharge (rank 4 and above)

Weapon overcharge’s brother. This one grant a BIG projectile speed buff (over 100%). Like Weapon Overcharge, if you use it under WO buff, it just simply remove it to give you the speed buff. Tachyoon reveal itself better to kill faster targets. A tachyoon guided torpedoes is a fear for interceptors. Don’t waste that buff, be carefull with your shot. The buff last 20 seconds, and even at 19.9 seconds, if you shot a torp, the whole torp flight will benefit of the speed buff. But using it during the torp’s travel won’t give a speed boost to it. 



wY7q9GT.pngEM Scattering Field (rank 4 and above)

This one is like adaptive camo for covert ops.It make you untargetable but still visible. But while CO can’t shot and can move with their camo, LRF is the opposite ! With EM Scattering field, if you move, it disrupt the camo. But using your special/guns/missiles don’t break it. It transform you into a big turret. So be really careful of where to use it. Enemy can still see you but their HUD show nothing and the captain in recon mode still see you on his HUD (But can’t target you). It’s all a mater of placement. 



14OFIJI.pngInfrared Pulsar (IR Pulsar) (rank 7 and above)

This one, is the strict opposite of EM scattering field. Uppon activation, everybody that locked on you have their targeting system disabled (Even if they are at 15k range) for 30 seconds. This is just HORRIBLE for many ships. ECM and Tacklers will cry, but it also mean that you have to expose yourself if you want if to be effective and that you can’t use it under EM because they can’t lock on you. it have a long cooldown so don’t waste it.


(Where is his icon on the wiki ?) Reverse Thruster (rank 7 and above)

This one have been added recently. It’s a module that you can’t buy and need to craft. It also have a huge power in right hands and was for a long time considered as broken. 

Reverse Thruster is a teleportation 5000 meters backward. Also, you CAN’T crash with it. If there’s something between you and your land point, then you’ll appears right in front of that thing. So watch behind you before using it.

Be careful too, when you activate RT, it takes 2.5 seconds before you move, and decrease all your resistances of a big amount. You’ll need to use it before beeing attacked or you’ll  just end up beeing destroyed.



Tips :

There are some tricks to know when you play with LRF that aren’t explained in the tooltip.


First one and the easier is about EM Scattering field. You know that when you move, it break the radar invisibility. But, there’s a way to move under cloak. Before activating EM, make your ship goes to max speed then launch EM. The ship will continue to move for moment and his speed will decrease slowly but that’s won’t break EM. You can then travel under cloak under your ship stop itself. If you want to stop, DO NOT press the backward button but a special keybind that is “Decrease ship speed progressively to 0”. This keybind won’t break EM.

You should also know that you can use RT under EM. It won’t break cloak !


The second one is about Disintegrator. There’s one problem with Disintegrator is that it show to your target your location thanks to a big red beam, and also ask hi, to start evasive maneuvers.

What we don’t want is to bypass that problem. Once you’ve locked a target, don’t aim at the prediction marker until your shot is ready ! It’s a mistake that most players do. Else, aim at rocks (Or launch the missile EM torpedoes at a beacon) until your shot is ready and you feel comfortable enough to hit your target. Then shot at the prediction marker fast enough.

It require some precision, but allow to surprise your enemy and have an easier hit without saying “Hello, I’m here !”.


Another one is about Guided Torpedoes and guards. Guards with missiles shield are a pain for JLRF. But there’s a way to counter it. You can launch a missile and then launch your special. One of them will be blocked but the other one won’t.


Another tip is about minefields and RT. Minefields on a beacon is really powerful. The goal is to release them right into a beacon, then use RT. You can for example cloak first, and move to the beacon thanks to the tips above, release your minefield and press RT. Now, watch them explode. 




Build ideas.

There’s 2 way to play an LRF : Far from any fight, with long range weapons/special. Or in medium range with guns support.


That way, there’s 2 way to build an LRF.

For the first one, you’ll use your CPU slots to have more range with your guns. Stack thermal resist because you’ll mainly beeing hit by other LRF and plasma arc. You should also take survival modules that regenerate your health. Most of the time, you’ll be outside engineers range, and so they won’t heal you so you need them to survive longer.Also take EM scattering field, and go hide yourself near a rock. That’s all you need.


For example, with the Cerberus that have 3 hull, one shield, one cpu, and one motor, you would have a build like  :

2 galvanized armor + 1 thermal hull resistance.

1 Thermal shield resistance.


Max speed engine. 

EM + hull regen + Tachyoon overcharge + RT

You should also think about Minefields or EM torpedoes to protect yourself.



Else, for a mid range LRF with guns, you need the higher thank you can and enough rotation to aim. It’s very similar to the first build, but you don’t need to stack thermal resistance and use horizon.

For the Cerberus it would be :

2 galvanized armor + 1 armor plated

Shield strength

Critical chance bonus

Rotation engine

Hull regen + RT + Tachyoon + Hull resistance



Done !

Feel free to ask some questions or correct me, or even add information/pictures

There are a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Some of the content is also incorrect also.

LRFs don’t get a 20% malus. The percentage changes with updates but the developers don’t change the ingame help page. I also thought that the missile implant affects the JLRF special. The Jericho implant increases range a lot. Correct me if I’m wrong. The effect flares have on the guided torpedo could be better explained. It’s lacking detail. Also area denial for the guided torp is almost nonexistent. Number details are also incorrect and they need to be specific.

Personally I would have done 2 separate guides for each LRF because they are different beasts altogether.

Just one thing to correct. There’s too many witches in the post. Please purify them </joke>. 

There are a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Some of the content is also incorrect also.

LRFs don’t get a 20% malus. The percentage changes with updates but the developers don’t change the ingame help page. I also thought that the missile implant affects the JLRF special. The Jericho implant increases range a lot. Correct me if I’m wrong. The effect flares have on the guided torpedo could be better explained. It’s lacking detail. Also area denial for the guided torp is almost nonexistent. Number details are also incorrect and they need to be specific.

Personally I would have done 2 separate guides for each LRF because they are different beasts altogether.

I’m not english. Tell me where there is some mistakes, and I’ll correct them.


Incorrect content ? Where ?

For the flares, well, I don’t really know how to give a better explanation with my actual English skills.

Well, the 20% malus exist, even if it’s not exactly 20% anymore.

Implants don’t have any effect with JLRF at all.

I like your guide alot and because i want it to be sticky, my suggestions for it:

I’m not english. Tell me where there is some mistakes, and I’ll correct them.

For the flares, well, I don’t really know how to give a better explanation with my actual English skills.

third sentence of first spoiler: exchange then for them, of for or.

fourth sentence of first spoiler: exchange row for raw

fifth sentence of first spoiler: exchange witch for which


“But you should know that their special is a new weapon that have a long range and big damage.”

Exchange for: But you should know that their special is a new weapon that has long range and high damage.


“but they also need more the team help then everybody”

Exchange for: but they also need to rely more on help from team mates than any other class.


“LRF also benefit of a special missile called Minefields witch release mines that can explode up to 4 times and deal a fair amount of damage.”

Exchange the “of” for a “from” and burn the witch after minefields. “Which”.


Movin’ on to second spoiler

“witch basically is a sniper.” Burn that witch again.


“So an mk4 weapon allow to deal more damage with your special than with an mk1.”

switch an for a and insert “will” between weapon and allow.


“Also, when a LRF uses his special, the ship progressively stops itself and directly enters a new mode with a completely new display. While in this mode, you can’t move anymore, and have a reduced field of vision, but  you can still use active modules. So be careful and don’t use it when there’s an enemy at 500 meters. You should know that you can still shoot missiles in this mode.”

corrected sentence above.


“When you activate it, your ship goes into sniping mode. To deactivate this mode, simply reactivate the special module. When you go into sniping mode, you have to wait for the first shot to load before firing. A shot takes about 3-4 seconds to charge (18 RoF).  Notice that when you lock on to a target in sniping mode, the prediction marker adapts itself to show where to shoot.”

corrected sentence above.


"Be aware that when you aim with this mode, enemy pilots will see a red beam from your ship as a targeting indicator. (doesn’t do damage, just for warning purposes). This red beam makes you highly visible to enemies in the vicinity of the beams direction. Disitegrator has a high projectile speed and long range (about 10k). But you should use it on targets that are between 3k and 7k distance, otherwise it can be hard to land a hit.

corrected above.


"The Jericho special module. When you activate it, your ship goes into sniping mode and instantly shoots a guided torpedo. Once your torpedoe explodes, you leave the sniping mode and go back to normal.

There are 2 ways to make the torp  explode : Hit your Target (Rock, Player, Beacon or whatever) or press “F”. "

corrected above.


"In fact, with this mode, you can control the torpedoes with mouse and keyboard to make them turn,… When the torp explodes, it unleashes an AOE damage with a 1000m radius, then leaves a cloud that deals damage over time for the next 10 seconds with a 400m radius.

The torp is great for area denial, but can be destroyed by guards missile shield and flares will disrupt the control of your torp. Btw, the torp is slow, so you should use it between 1300 to 5000 range. Above that distance, the travel time is higher than reload time, if you’re not using tachyon. Explained further below. Be carfull when shooting at stuff within 1000 meters of yourself, you’ll take the hit from your own torp!"

corrected above


Rest to come later, I’ve got to get back to work. Maybe missed some.

I just press F, start clicking and hope for the best

I just click on those little red circles on the map, with a little amount of accuracy. Profit!

Witch witch witch… Weh, it’s haloween for me or… ?  :01313:

Thanks Xhotono, I added your corrections.

There are a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes. Some of the content is also incorrect also.

LRFs don’t get a 20% malus. The percentage changes with updates but the developers don’t change the ingame help page. I also thought that the missile implant affects the JLRF special. The Jericho implant increases range a lot. Correct me if I’m wrong. The effect flares have on the guided torpedo could be better explained. It’s lacking detail. Also area denial for the guided torp is almost nonexistent. Number details are also incorrect and they need to be specific.

Personally I would have done 2 separate guides for each LRF because they are different beasts altogether.


NO the Jericho torpedo range is NOTaffected.   


If you use the EM torpedo or Cruise missle or Octipus than the range is extended.  




The Kawaii version of Octopus xD

The Kawaii version of Octopus xD




IR Pulsar can be paired with resistance boosting modules for a martyr-style combo. Rush forward seemingly recklessly (be sure to have some allies behind), and start firing and make yourself a huge target. You will start to accumulate locks on you. Turn on your resistance booster and watch out for any enemy ECMs who might spoil your fun with some disables or energy sapping. (JLRFs should watch out for recons and shield drain as well.) You’ll also need to dodge or strafe around for a bit to survive (maybe even pop some self-heals along the way) and chalk up locks, then release that IR Pulsar. It’s great fun. 


It would also be nice to evaluate missile choices and mention point-blank EM torping. It’s a strong defense against intys. 


BTW, this is my Ira Deus build. I use it mainly to snipe with positrons, while strafing to avoid counter fire. For beacon hunt, I stay away from the first beacon while slowly making my way to the next one, and that’s when I drop my mines and pop my IR Pulsar. For domination mode in certain maps, it’s also pretty nice for guarding a side beacon while maintaining pressure on the middle one. 




so, here we go with the rest 012j.png

Starting at Module section.


“Nothing more then a damage buff for your special.”

switch then for “than”


“The next shot within 20 seconds will have a great damage boost. Sadly, you can’t use it simultaneously with it’s brother Tachyoon overcharge. If you had the tachyoon buff but didn’t use it before weapon overcharge activation, then the tachyoon buff disappears.  Weapon overcharge allows a great burst for slower targets (Because you are sure to hit them) so it’s great to take down another LRF or an engineering frigate, or even a guard. Against Interceptors it tends to be useless, because firepower doesn’t matter if you don’t hit.”

Corrected passage above.


“Weapon overcharge’s brother. This one grants a SIGNIFICANT projectile speed buff (over 100%). You can’t use it simultaneously with weapon overcharge. Tachyoon is more suitable for killing fast targets. A Higher Projektile speed makes it easier to hit fast/distant targets. A guided Torpedo under Tachyoon buff is a nightmare for an interceptor. Don’t waste that buff, only activate and shoot if you’re sure that you’ll strike hard. The buff lasts 20 seconds and only counts for one shot of desintegrator or guided Torpedo. (You’ll have to shoot in that 20 second window or you wasted it) The buff is also applied for the whole guided torpedo flight, even if you made your shot with only 0,1 buff seconds left.”

corrected passage above.


"While Covert Ops can’t shoot but move with their camo without breaking it, LRF have opposite mechanics! If you move with EM Scattering Field active, the buff disappears. Using your Modules/Special/Guns/Missiles doesn’t break it. It transforms you into a big turret. So be really careful of where to use it. Enemies still can see you visually on screen, but their minimap and hud won’t show you. The Captain of Combat Recon matches still can see you on his Hud and Minimap, but won’t be able to target you. It’s all a matter of placement. "

corrected passage above.


“This one, is the strict opposite of EM scattering field. Uppon activation, everybody that locked on to you will have their targeting system disabled (Even if they are at 15k range) for 30 seconds. This is just HORRIBLE for many ships. ECM and Tacklers will cry because their debuffs require locking. This module ist most effective if you expose yourself to a large number of players. (Frontlines for example) Don’t use it when EM Scattering field is active, because enemies have to have a lock on you. Use with reason, it’s got a long cooldown”

corrected passage above.


"This module has been added recently. It’s a module that you can’t buy and need to craft. Used right, RT allows for fast replacement or escape in hot situations.

Reverse Thruster is a teleportation 5000 meters backward. It takes 2.5 Seconds to charge and in that time cripples your damage resinstances. Use is not advised while being attacked.

Don’t worry,  you can’t crash with it. If there’s something between you and 5000 meters behind you, then you’ll appear right in front of that object. If an interceptor flies directly behind you, using this module is not advised. The inty will just stop your teleport, because ships count as obstacles as well. So watch behind you before using it. (Free Aim, best you map it to a key)"


corrected passage above.


For my convenience, i just took the whole passage “Tips” and did corrections without having to post single sentences. Just copy and Paste.


"There are some tricks to know when you play with LRF that aren’t explained in the tooltip.


First and easier one is about EM Scattering field. You know that when you move, it breaks the radar invisibility. But, there’s a way to move under cloak. Before activating EM, make your ship accelerate to max speed then launch EM. The ship will continue to move in the direction you were flying while progressively slowing down until zero. This movement won’t break EM Scattering. You can use this trick to travel cloaked. If you want to stop, DO NOT press the backward button, use the special keybind  “Decrease ship speed progressively to 0”. This keybind won’t break EM.

You should also know that you can use RT under EM. It won’t break cloak !


The second one is about Disintegrator. There’s one problem with Disintegrator, remember that red beam as targeting indicator? It alarms your enemy, you’re targeting them and they start to fly evasive manuevers.

What we want, is to keep the warning time for enemies low. Once you’ve locked a target, don’t aim at the prediction marker until your shot is ready ! It’s a mistake that most players make. Aim at rocks (Or launch the missile EM torpedoes at beacons) until your shot is ready and you feel comfortable enough to hit your target. Then shoot at the prediction marker fast enough.

It requires some precision, but allows you to surprise your enemy and have an easier hit without saying “Hello, I’m targeting you, hold still !”.


Another one is about Guided Torpedoes and guards. Guards with missiles shield are a pain for JLRF. But there’s a way to counter it. You can launch a missile and then launch your special. One of them will be blocked but the other one won’t. Missile shield can only block one missile per second. Your window is small, so it takes skill in timing.


Another tip is about minefields and RT. Minefields on a beacon are really powerful. The goal is to release them right at a beacon, then use RT. you can combine this trick with the cloaked movement trick. Move cloaked to beacon, throw mines and activate RT. Now, watch them explode. "


Corrected Passage above.


Again, for my convenience, just corrected single words in the whole passage “build ideas”. Copy and Past.


" There’s 2 ways to play a LRF : Far from any fight, with long range weapons/special. Or at medium range with guns support.


So, there’s to ways to build a LRF fitting.

For the first one, you’ll use your CPU slots to have more range with your guns. Stack thermal resists because you’ll mainly be hit by other LRF and plasma arced in the butt. You should also take survival modules that regenerate your health. Most of the time, you’ll be outside of engineer’s range, and so they won’t heal you. The multipurpose Modules will let you survive longer. Don’t forget to take EM scattering field, and go hide yourself near a rock. That’s all you need.


For example, with the Cerberus that has 3 hull, one shield, one cpu, and one motor Slot, you would have a build like  :

2 galvanized armor + 1 thermal hull resistance.

1 Thermal shield resistance.


Max speed engine. 

EM + hull regen + Tachyoon overcharge + RT

You should also think about Minefields or EM torpedoes to protect yourself.



Otherwise, for a mid range LRF with focuse on main gun dps, you need a tougher tank and more rotation speed to get that firepower on targets. It’s very similar to the first build, but you don’t need to stack thermal resistances and use horizon.

For the Cerberus it would be :

2 galvanized armor + 1 armor plated

Shield strength

Critical chance bonus

Rotation engine

Hull regen + RT + Tachyoon + Hull resistance"


corrected passage above.


ok, done. As jacxis said, you should include the free aim, em torp torpedo to the face tactic for defence.

Thank you Xhotono!

I’ll do this tomorrow, I’m on my phone right now.

@Jacxis : Thanks, I’ll take a look and create a gun/missile and implant into the build part.

Btw, your IR pulsars tips is far too dangerous against good players.

Btw, your IR pulsars tips is far too dangerous against good players.


That’s actually the whole point of it: pretending to overextend to attract locks. A calculated risk, actually. The tipping point can be pretty hard to gauge if you’re up against good players, that’s true, but it has worked pretty well in T3 for me.


Just thought of this as well. JLRFs can double-tap F just before they die.

That’s actually the whole point of it: pretending to overextend to attract locks. A calculated risk, actually. The tipping point can be pretty hard to gauge if you’re up against good players, that’s true, but it has worked pretty well in T3 for me.

Just thought of this as well. JLRFs can double-tap F just before they die.

Oh… You just thought of it? Tell me more. -u-

Btw, I never let people see the build I’m using currently for my LRFs cuz they change constantly.

Oh… You just thought of it? Tell me more. -u-


“Just thought of it” as in, I just remembered that this cheap trick exists.

About the first Cerberus build: I’m aware that stacking thermal resists is a good idea for snipers, but dropping the resist active module is a bad idea. I find that having one of those makes a huuuge difference in sniper battles, typically an improvement from “Hey, I’m dead!” to “Hey, I’ve still got 1/2 my hull left!”. Also, it’s rather useful against plasma arc as well, if you’re fast enough to catch it. I’d just drop the RT and move during the nice long 20 second window where you’re uncloaked if you use EM scattering field.


Another thing that should probably be added: Don’t stand in your own minefield to snipe! Oh, and also, if you’re in an LRF, it’s part of your team duty to kill the enemy LRFs! That’s an absolute must mention.

About the first Cerberus build: I’m aware that stacking thermal resists is a good idea for snipers, but dropping the resist active module is a bad idea. I find that having one of those makes a huuuge difference in sniper battles, typically an improvement from “Hey, I’m dead!” to “Hey, I’ve still got 1/2 my hull left!”. Also, it’s rather useful against plasma arc as well, if you’re fast enough to catch it. I’d just drop the RT and move during the nice long 20 second window where you’re uncloaked if you use EM scattering field.


Another thing that should probably be added: Don’t stand in your own minefield to snipe! Oh, and also, if you’re in an LRF, it’s part of your team duty to kill the enemy LRFs! That’s an absolute must mention.

Yep, the guide is not finished yet. I’m gonna add those soon. 

I’m, thinking about “Counters”, “What to focus on”, “Which gun to choose and why”, and stuff like that.  



No! No! No!


Don’t teach them how to do stuff!

Don’t take fun from them!

Let them figure it out!



No! No! No!


Don’t teach them how to do stuff!

Don’t take fun from them!

Let them figure it out!

Those who want to learn by themselves will just don’t read it.

The only fear you can have is that they stop being useless.