Low FPS on Good System

Hey! So I noticed that making everything minimum gets me 45 FPS while before the update, i was getting 60 with everything maxed. My system specs are kinda over the recommended with 32 gigs of ram, an fx 4100 quad core and a radeon 4600 series turbo gpu overclocked. Plays planetside 2 almost maxed out with the same framerate. my system is good, why the low fps? 


I don’t think you need to bump after just one day. But regardless.


I get the feeling this is more due to hardware/drivers rather than the game itself. I haven’t seen a performance drop, and I’m running on integrated graphics.

i5, 8 gb RAM GTX660. Playing at more than 100 FPS at max settings.


Definitely something is wrong with your drivers.

My system is good, too.  I have to run everything on low to avoid feeling like I have 50% packet loss.  No, something is definitely wrong.  I, too, am using Radeon graphics.




Just found this post [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18819-os-hardware-optimization/#entry190664](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18819-os-hardware-optimization/#entry190664) and will retry things when I get home later.  I recommend everyone do this, as I’d imagine it helps considerably :wink:

With the last patches they introduced new graphics that can create some fps problems to old Gpu. I think there’s no “easy” solution to this.

With the last patches they introduced new graphics that can create some fps problems to old Gpu. I think there’s no “easy” solution to this.

Did you look at the OP’s specs?  They’re way over the recommended; no, the devs messed up somehow.

My system is good, too.  I have to run everything on low to avoid feeling like I have 50% packet loss.  No, something is definitely wrong.  I, too, am using ATI.




Just found this post [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/18819-os-hardware-optimization/#entry190664](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18819-os-hardware-optimization/#entry190664) and will retry things when I get home later.  I recommend everyone do this, as I’d imagine it helps considerably :wink:

Packet loss depends on internet connection (not related to gpu) and sadly that post isn’t so helpfull.

Did you look at the OP’s specs?  They’re way over the recommended; no, the devs messed up somehow.

Yeah i did, hd 4600 series from ATI (not AMD :wink: ) is outdated for today graphic standards.



They don’t “messed up”, they just introduced more “modern graphics” that can be a problem to old gpu. 

I think that amd cards that are not effected by this, are from hd7000 series and above. Maybe they need to replace “optimal” and “minimum” requirements with something new.

Packet loss depends on internet connection (not related to gpu) and sadly that post isn’t so helpfull.

Ah, I can see how that was confusing.  I meant it “feels” that way :wink:  The game skips every second (roughly) when I turn my graphics up.  Instead of simply running at a lower framerate, the game maintains the framerate and, like I said, “skips” around when using anything BUT low settings.  I can’t even turn textures to medium, which is ridiculous to say the least.  I don’t have the best card or chipset, but I can play other, more demanding games at medium to high graphics.  

Ah, I can see how that was confusing.  I meant it “feels” that way :wink:  The game skips every second (roughly) when I turn my graphics up.  Instead of simply running at a lower framerate, the game maintains the framerate and, like I said, “skips” around when using anything BUT low settings.  I can’t even turn textures to medium, which is ridiculous to say the least.  I don’t have the best card or chipset, but I can play other, more demanding games at medium to high graphics.  


You mean that even though displayed fps seems good the game is not so uhm (i can’t find the word in english) “fluid” (stuttering, micro lag)?

This happen to me too when i set antialiasing to X4 instead of a more reasonable X2. Framerate seems good but it’s simply not true (maybe fps displayer screwup on medium/low specs when graphic is set on too high value). The solution is to lower the graphic unteel you don’t feel the “game experience” is good. :( 



Or you are experiencing the “don’t displayed packet loss” bug that i heard about it? Dunno sorry.

You mean that even though displayed fps seems good the game is not so uhm (i can’t find the word in english) “fluid” (stuttering, micro lag)?

This happen to me too when i set antialiasing to X4 instead of a more reasonable X2. Framerate seems good but it’s simply not true (maybe fps displayer screwup on medium/low specs when graphic is set on too high value). The solution is to lower the graphic unteel you don’t feel the “game experience” is good. :( 



Or you are experiencing the “don’t displayed packet loss” bug that i heard about it? Dunno sorry.

Yes, the game runs smoothly, then skips several frames.  Repeat throughout the game, every second.  It’s impossible to play this way.  I do not think it is packet loss, though, as I am hardwired.  Also, I have run a ping diagnostic through the command prompt to reveal that my internet is highly consistent.

I’m gonna try switching to my Nvidia gt520 1gb card. I have a crapload of computer parts, so i’ll try it and see how it works out. 

I put in my NVidia GT520 1gb card and it’s worse framerates. This card is about 2 or 3 years newer. I have it at bare minimum except for resolution which is 1400x900. Devs, time for some configuring, i doubt your minimum requirements will actually play this. 


I checked my card out further and the game is unplayable at bare minimum with 15 fps on the NVidia GT520 1gb card. This is truly ridiculous. The recommended system requirements don’t work. Perhaps these updates are screwing it up because i used to get 100 fps on a worse system! 


Could it perhaps be that the game hates AMD? I had better framerates on an I3 a while ago and my brother and his intel core duo with 3 gigs of ram and an nvidia 8600gso out perform my gaming rig. 


plz don’t update this game anymore until you can fix performance issues, or i’m afraid i’ll get 16 seconds a frame. 

The plot thickens, i change all my settings on it and increase them to max and the fps doesn’t change. I lower it all the way and no change. This is weird. 

Did you limit the maximum FPS?

nope. now i’m really mad. i changed back and i’m getting terrible framerates. i had not tested it after the update, so it’s this stupid update that is screwing everything up. 

I have overclocked my gpu slightly and now it’s working fine. 

I wouldn’t really call it fine, seeing as you’re overclocking something that’s over minimum specs anyways. Could you run dxdiag and attach the logs?

I have direct x 11, but i mean it’s working fine tho. i’m guessing it was something about the driver because i reinstalled it and for some reason, it was down clocked.