I was told that I could save up my Xenocrystals until the end of the event and just spend them all at once to unlock everything, but once I hit 500 Xenocrystals a few days ago, I stopped getting Xenocrystals from missions even though my daily returns were still diminishing. This is unreasonable and unjust and I kindly but firmly request that at least the last 3 days worth (300 Xenocrystals) be added to my account, and that a public announcement be made saying that Xenocrystals cannot be amassed during the event and must be spent immediately.
Losing this much time not only set me back, but will likely cause me to be unable to complete the event because of the diminishing returns on missions that reset at awkward times.
And why were Xenochips reduced to 500 from 10,000 anyways? The cap has always been 10,000 and that’s the last number that I saw.