Lost connection, without a chance to reconnect!

Bug report: :01414:



1.) Description of the problem. What happened?

I got disconnected (network error message - connection lost) and I appeared in the Empire hangar, without my loot in Open Space (Fort Muerto sector).


2.) What did you expected to happen?

I expected a smooth operation, without disconnects, because I have no current issues with network connectivity in game and overall as well.


3.) The conditions during the situation?

Completely normal. No lag spikes, no packet loss. Just network message appeared and I was in the Empire’s hangar.


4.) Further details on the issue?

Exactly the same thing happened to me once before, maybe 1 or 2 updates below this one. This is a bug, but it is a rare one and it strikes suddenly, with no indications.

I accepted theDarkMatter player in my group and I went from Empire Space towards Fort Muerto (meeting point). I picked some good loot along the way as well with my Spatial Scanner.

When I arrived to Fort Muerto, he was waiting for me. We wanted to trade, but I suddenly lost connection (network error screen - connection lost) and I got no notification, if I wish to return to previous sector.

I was still connected and I was chatting normally in the group chat! I was not thrown out of the game entirely! I only appeared in the hangar, while the rest looked normal as well. My mono daily mission was completed.

Nothing. All I could do is, that I completed my daily monocrystal mission, when all of my loot was lost.


5.) Frequency of occurrence?

Rare. It happened only once before, now twice, including with this report. I never had such issues before. I think that patch 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and now 1.2.4 introduced this problem.

I was not able to reconnect, since I was given no notification to return. I was stuck in the hangar.


6.) Logs + [screenshots](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/18799-how-to-takepost-screenshots/) or a video?

Logs are included.




7.) If possible, the time when it happened. In this case we will be able to look more closely to the server logs. Also mention your time zone.

This issue occurred at around 15:40-45 (3:40-45PM). Check the logs. Time zone: UTC +1 (Slovenia).


8.) Information on the configuration of your computer. (DxDiag)

Provided below.



9.) The results of this [program](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25324-info-connection-losses-high-ping-and-related-issues/) if the bug report is related to connection issues.

Even if I got a message that it was a network error, it wasn’t. I believe, that a bug triggers this message somehow, but the source of this bug lies elsewhere.


10.) If the complaint is related to Sector Conquest, it is necessary to specify the location and time + timezone of the happening.

Not related to SQ (Dreadnought Battles).

Skula1975, did you locate the problem?

Is it repeated now?

Is it repeated now?

Well, I got 2 such incidents.

As for now, I do not know, because frequency of this bug is rare.

Same thing happened again, but with one exception.

I was asked, if I want to reconnect back (and I did), so it could have been some server issue this time.


Check at around 13:10 or 1:10 PM time in the logs, when this occurred.

Everything else is the same like in this bug report.


Are you waiting reconnect into the Open Space?

Are you waiting reconnect into the Open Space?

Last log I gave you gave me such option, but I am not sure, if it was the same bug. It could be on your server side.

I am fine now. I can play normally.

I got same problem,today 11:45 CET

[game.net.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10228)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10229)

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10230)

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10231)

I got same problem,today 11:45 CET

It happened, when he was with me, now the second time, but it happens only, when we are (or any other players) warps, or is in Fort Muerto. It happened with others as well, but not always.


(check my original information post above for time zone information)

It happened in Fort Muerto sector.


After he warped in the sector, he disappeared from my group/squad and he got back in the hangar with the Open Space statistics screen and no loot.

I am giving the same logs, beacause he was in my group.



Open Space isn’t support reconnect feature

Open Space isn’t support reconnect feature

Of course it does!

When I got disconnected, I got asked, if I wish to return to my previous location!

You’re wrong, Skula1975!

It says Sector Conquest and if you click yes, you get put back there, in Open Space sector!

When I got disconnected, I got asked, if I wish to return to my previous location!No

No, you will entering in the Hangar

No, you will entering in the Hangar

Yes, but I am asked, if I wish to return!

By the way. It might not happen all the time, but it does happen.

If I got some connection issue or error, I got asked and if I pressed Yes, I immediately return to that sector I was last in.


I am not lying.

The Matchmaker shows and it says Sector Conquest, but it only shows the timer, then you return to Open Space!

Unfortunately, we can’t repeat this bug with the current information that you provide. Maybe it was server issues. We will be grateful if you can provide more details if it happens again.

Unfortunately, we can’t repeat this bug with the current information that you provide. Maybe it was server issues. We will be grateful if you can provide more details if it happens again.

I do not record my game. The best way would be to make a video, but this can only be done, if I would expect the crash to happen. Since I do not know, when it might occur, it’s almost impossible.

I do not record my game. The best way would be to make a video, but this can only be done, if I would expect the crash to happen. Since I do not know, when it might occur, it’s almost impossible.

You need a 24/7 stream-channel on Twitch!

You need a 24/7 stream-channel on Twitch!

I would, if I could, but my computer is old, too old, to handle stable 60FPS gameplay!

It happened again today!


