Lost 1 Beryllium Rod and Jaguar Cloak Bug


Would it be too much to ask to get a Beryllium Rod credited to me because I lost one in open space because of sudden lag then disconnect? It’s not like I never gave money for this game. It’s not easy landing a Neo. Plate or Beryl. rod even with spatial scanner.

Also, NPCs still shoot the Jaguar at times while it is cloaked while having the type of cloak that keeps you cloaked even if you take damage.


I had a similar case in the past.

Even with provided logs, I don’t think that you will be successful. Support was not helpful, nor useful in my case.

You would probably get reimbursed, if you would actually buy the content with GS and not get it for free in the game, like in Open Space.

1 hour ago, PsyOpWarrior said:


Would it be too much to ask to get a Beryllium Rod credited to me because I lost one in open space because of sudden lag then disconnect? It’s not like I never gave money for this game. It’s not easy landing a Neo. Plate or Beryl. rod even with spatial scanner.

Also, NPCs still shoot the Jaguar at times while it is cloaked while having the type of cloak that keeps you cloaked even if you take damage.



Wow. Now I have a second evidence of this cloak/shooting NPC at you while cloaked bug. You are not alone.

What you mean with DC? A friend of mine had a DC and come back w/o any problems. Even I had several such DCs in OS and come back.

mm, in my experience, the bots will keep firing at the last point where you were visible, so try moving out of the way and into a different direction than where you were last going. 

If they keep shooting you, than, well… you know ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

No Wolfkhan, that is NOT the problem.

I flew over 1km AND around an edge, but they did the same and shot me in my xxxx while cloaked.

3 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

No Wolfkhan, that is NOT the problem.

I flew over 1km AND around an edge, but they did the same and shot me in my xxxx while cloaked.

Contact me in-game and we will test this in Open Space.

Maybe a micro-locator uncloaked you, since now even neutral or even friendly Recon Explorers can interrupt you now.

5 hours ago, Koromac said:

Contact me in-game and we will test this in Open Space.

Maybe a micro-locator uncloaked you, since now even neutral or even friendly Recon Explorers can interrupt you now.


This was long ago before even Micro existed in OS.

And no. That wasn’t even the case as the shot itself gave me the damagebuff.


The problem with ‘Testing’ is, that it have a bug trigger. It isn’t always that this happen but in strange circumstances it happen.


[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/ “How to create bug reports”)