Losing connection

I’ve experienced constant d/c for about every 5 min in the game. It is really frustrating. There is even a game which 80% players lost connection together (my friend in the same squad told me).

I noticed that I cannot connect to the Gaijin Website when I can’t connect to the game as well.

Also, where can I find the log file so that I can paste it here


the log files are located on My Documents/My Games/Star Conflict/Logs.

Could you attach them to this post?

Hello Error,

I’ve attached the files in .rar format and changed the extension to txt so that I can upload them here

The problem no longer exists for me after a couple of hours though

[logs.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=4849)

It may be that there were some server issues.

If it happens again please report back.


Also, I cant make any payment and my attempt to contact support gives me a SQL execute error when I received the reply :frowning:

When you loose your connection to the game do you loose your internet connection in general or just your connection to Gaijin? You mentioned that you couldn’t connect to the Gaijin website when this happens, have you tried other sites durring that brief time period?

When you loose your connection to the game do you loose your internet connection in general or just your connection to Gaijin? You mentioned that you couldn’t connect to the Gaijin website when this happens, have you tried other sites durring that brief time period?

Its fixed. I can connect to other websites normally at the time