Looking to join a Corp



im currently interested in joining a corp, i just got into the game and love it, so it is time to put my name our there lo


So i hope theres a corp out there looking for someone like me :slight_smile: /)

Looking for a corp? 

Why not NASA…



Thanx for the offer, but im looking for more of a Jericho Corp.

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/20101-corporations-by-allegiance/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20101-corporations-by-allegiance/)

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/14458-list-of-active-english-corporations-in-star-conflict/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/14458-list-of-active-english-corporations-in-star-conflict/)

ill like very much to join a active corporation pls send invite !


ill like very much to join a active corporation pls send invite !



Generally speaking, at least if you want to join a corporation with any form of organisation at all, you’ll have to go out and find the corporation you like - and then apply with them to become a member.


Most corporations which just invite anyone randomly without any form of process you kind of want to avoid as they have made no effort whatsoever to ensure their members actually get along at any level.




To provide a more helpful answer- here’s a list of corporations I would recommend. Note that this is my personal opinion.


  • Rage [R4ge] - German, nice social group with a couple very good players
  • Steel Marauders [sM] - Asia-Pacific (Australian), very friendly group
  • The Nasa [NASA] - USA, Great folk, too many sweet rolls and T3+
  • The WolfPack [WPK] - EU / USA, Because wolves are awesome, I’m obviously biased and T2+

Or alternatively;

  • eSport AwG France [AwgFr] - French, wild range of skill levels.
  • The United Front [TUF] - Mostly ex-Dynamis, for those Federation minded folk.
  • Titan [Titan] - Cronus, Three-tiered corp with Leviathan and Behemoth. If you’re into the 1v1 ‘work your way through three corporations’ sort of thing.



im currently interested in joining a corp, i just got into the game and love it, so it is time to put my name our there lo


So i hope theres a corp out there looking for someone like me :slight_smile: /)


I dont care who this xxxx is, GET HIM IN. Hes a brony! 

JPhack, have a sweet roll and calm down. ;)wt


NightmareDancer, if you have any questions about TUF, feel free to send me a pm. Looking forward to seeing you in battle!