Looking to join a corp

Currently looking for an active corp who has activity requirement for members but not officers because i want to be in a corp that has double standards and I dont want to play as much so just make me an officer so i dont need to meet the activity requirement…any corps intrested or does anyone have any sugestions?

He does have bad reputation for a reason, but insults like this is going a bit too far. Even thou, this made me to smile a bit. :slight_smile:

He does have bad reputation for a reason, but insults like this is going a bit too far. Even thou, this made me to smile a bit. :slight_smile:

?? im serious does anyone know? How is this an insult?

Dont forget, the corp has to kick people randomly, give officers the ability to control everything and anyone, and whos ceo is an authortarian xxxx.

Good luck finding a corporation like that — you’d be hard pressed to find someone who was a large enough egomaniac to institute such a double standard.

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