Looking for Corp, Both PVP/PVE

Hey guys, I’ve been getting really into SC lately and I want to start meeting some pilots and learning more about the game. I’m currently a new pilot, still in Rank 2 T1, but I’ll be playing fairly regularly and this will increase in due time. I really like the fighter gunship class, and I’m looking for a corp that does PVE. PVP would be a bonus, as I definitely want to do both, but I’d prefer a corp that does both over a strictly PVP corp at this time. 


I’m US, Eastern TZ, and I’ll probably be around fairly often. I have a mumble voice server that I can provide, or if the corp already has voice comms I’d be happy to join that.


Thanks for your time and I look forwarding to talking to you guys!



It sounds like you would fit in with us. http://gamingsamurai.com/ We’re a fun and casual group that enjoys good teamwork.

In game you can contact any one of the officers: ZeusGSS (myself) LiexGS or Goddeloos

your welcome to join pulse we are the number  2 corp in the game fastly approaching number 1

your welcome to join pulse we are the number  2 corp in the game fastly approaching number 1

Keep dreaming

your welcome to join pulse we are the number  2 corp in the game fastly approaching number 1


Lol trying to make people believe rankings mean something with 150 members.