Looking for an active uk/america corp

Hey. i’m an active star conflict player looking for people to play with. idk if you care about this stuff but these are my stats.


Use imgur to upload images. We can’t see that because the forum is broken and the developers refuse to fix it. They know of it.

thanks :) http://imgur.com/7Nr4CSJ

Been playing a week and already have more maximum kills than me! Oh, the pain.

I only got 23 max in one game. You aren’t alone bro. You are never alone. I am always there… Always watching…

Been playing a week and already have more maximum kills than me! Oh, the pain.

It’s the same with me, we don’t abuse the lower tiers.  At least I’m assuming.


I still have T1 ships to max out so officially I can craft some items to wreak havoc on T1, and no one can overly blame me for it.

Yeah i’m pretty happy with my stats :3

Yeah i’m pretty happy with my stats :3


Thats good. You should be. 


May I ask what type of corporation are you looking for? There are many types and sizes. Some range from the hard core elite to the simple, small and fun. So depends on your wants mostly. 

small and fun :slight_smile:

How about all around good guys? :fed_cool:

We aren’t good guys xp. We let other players attack NPCs then we go in the crossfire to make the other player the aggressor so we can flay them without our precious positive karma going down.

I want this dude in our Corp tho. I want to peel his banana.

took me 500 games to work out corporations existed. i am slow :frowning:

took me 500 games to work out corporations existed. i am slow :frowning:


What’s a corporation? How do I join?  :fed015:

It took me about 600 games to realize that this is star conflict and not jumanji.

hi man great stas mate you will learn the “secrets” of the game  realy soon :smiley:


btw i have 28 max kills IWIN

 I want to peel his banana.


talk about SLOW…


took me 500 games to work out corporations existed. i am slow :frowning:



Want to talk about SLOW !   :01414:


Closing in on 10,000 battles and I STILL do not have Mk 5  ''Goodies" such as the Reverse Thruster, Doomsday Bomb, Combat Drones and missed out on the AIMA.    

They said that they will bring back A1MA but it’ll be different. Also none of those things are MK5