Looking for a corp

So i took a break from this game for a while and after a while my space shooting itch needed to be scratched again, and this time round i dont think going in solo will be the way to keep going in this game.


so first the quick and simple. i like to play somewhat seriously but at the same time like to goof about and seeing what may happen when i try something (often resulting in my death… damm micro warp drives love asteroids). 


in terms of ship progression i am not really that far. only own one T3 ship and that used to be a T2, whats up with that? (hydra btw) but i can fly most T2 so i will need to be carried up a little


i live in the netherlands so the timezone im in is GMT+1


also for those interested thses are my stats http://imgur.com/H0XFkln

Ask on the English global chat. Lampshadius may give you some more detailed information as well.

It would be nice for you to put a screenshot of your statistics from your profile, if you want a response here, but most likely the best chances are in the game.


Good luck with your search.

Ask on the English global chat. Lampshadius may give you some more detailed information as well.

It would be nice for you to put a screenshot of your statistics from your profile, if you want a response here, but most likely the best chances are in the game.


Good luck with your search.


alright ill add my stats, although they are nothing to write home about, also thanks for the tip

please see a list of most english speaking corps here


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/14458-list-of-active-english-corporations-in-star-conflict/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/14458-list-of-active-english-corporations-in-star-conflict/)


also asking in the chat is working pretty well