lookin for corp

looking for a corp that has a dread and goes into sector battles and actually has a chance to win. if comms are used, must have TS (all others suck). 410 hours played as of this post, maxed destroyer, rank 15 ships and experience in almost everything. US tz but am on during EU every so often.




in a corp now

Having your in-game name mentioned in the post helps

um it is the forum name and i forgot to add a ‘G’ to the title

I’m not in a position to recruit, but I hear that the hoots over at OWL might be able to use a skilled pilot. You think you’re up for the challenge? ;3


If you do apply, tell them that Fox grabbed you off of the forums. That may or may not help. Xp

Join Fowler Defence we are a good corp and have 100+ players and we are active everyday. We also do tournaments and dreadnought battles. 

I’m not in a position to recruit, but I hear that the hoots over at OWL might be able to use a skilled pilot. You think you’re up for the challenge? ;3


If you do apply, tell them that Fox grabbed you off of the forums. That may or may not help. Xp

the only OWL i see is the russian corp, is that correct?

the only OWL i see is the russian corp, is that correct?


The Owl Initiative is our name, and I am in a position to recruit :slight_smile: We are EU and US. What is your in game name please?


Here is our forum thread fi you want more info:


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/20293-owl-owl-initiative/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20293-owl-owl-initiative/)

looking for a corp that has a dread and goes into sector battles and actually has a chance to win. if comms are used, must have TS (all others suck). 410 hours played as of this post, maxed destroyer, rank 15 ships and experience in almost everything. US tz but am on during EU every so often.

you can join the corporations mentioned above, if you want the numbers… or you can join Vikings if you want the attitude! :slight_smile:

We’re teamplayers, active and we love to mess with the big corps, just coz we can…

you can join the corporations mentioned above, if you want the numbers… or you can join Vikings if you want the attitude! :slight_smile:

We’re teamplayers, active and we love to mess with the big corps, just coz we can…


We have attitude :smiley: We like to hoot! And to peck our enemies to death!

We have attitude :smiley: We like to hoot! And to peck our enemies to death!

Yeah, sure…

Yeah, sure…




i think you just won…and my name in game is my forum name