Loocking for a corp

Looking for a corp.

Not a probleme to speak english

I prefer french because it’s my maternal language :)-


Just ask In Game



Are you looking for a corp that is competitive? 

Or are you just looking to have a tag near your name? 

Whats your DSR? 

Max level of ship tier attained? 

What are you looking for in a corp? 

Hi JPhack


Thanks for your answer but i was invited by THE CORP so i’ll defend their Flag :wink:


But for your questions :


Are you looking for a corp that is competitive? 


Of Course only to reach the first place !! What else ?


Or are you just looking to have a tag near your name? 


Not for me sorry :wink: If i want a tag i’ll choose the corp and not propose this message here :wink:


Whats your DSR? 


As the fist question :wink:


Max level of ship tier attained? 


Tier 4


What are you looking for in a corp?


Fly in squad, experiences with others to exchange about moduls etc

Hi JPhack


Thanks for your answer but i was invited by THE CORP so i’ll defend their Flag :wink:


But for your questions :


Are you looking for a corp that is competitive? 


Of Course only to reach the first place !! What else ?


Or are you just looking to have a tag near your name? 


Not for me sorry :wink: If i want a tag i’ll choose the corp and not propose this message here :wink:


Whats your DSR? 


As the fist question :wink:


Max level of ship tier attained? 


Tier 4


What are you looking for in a corp?


Fly in squad, experiences with others to exchange about moduls etc

The irony…

Sorry i’m french, i understand english, i just try to write it by respect but i’m not as good as you …

Sorry i’m french, i understand english, i just try to write it by respect but i’m not as good as you …

No no, i did not mean to sound elitist or, even worse, offend you, no. It is just what you said to response to JPHack and then that you got invited into The Corp, irony is in there :slight_smile:

 Btw i know that there is at least one French corporation, i think AwG or something like that.

 Best of luck, will see you in some time…

I know about AWG i was the chief of them lol


But not agreed with the concept of multigaming :wink:

I look forward to killing you empty.gif35879u4yck9dhr1.gif   in game



you can try :wink:

Darkshow, it looks like since you joined another corp, I will have to see you on opposite sides of the battlefield. I hope you dont mind getting shrapnel bits into your hull. 

Welcome to Star Conflict. Try this corp we use both English, and many speak French. Click [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21072-jungfaha-corporation/), or here.


Other wise check out the french forums.

