** Why you shouldnt stop playing here **
Ik,that this patch has brought good and bad thing,like all of them do and im sure im not the only one looking forward for the R14 destroyers,that will have even more nonsense weapons,but in the meantime,i think its good idea to try and reason the change of the patch,here we go:
-First thing of all,we have the brand new trophy search,it is supposed to serve as a way of gathering stuff instead of going out in OS and gather ores and run like a little girl from Predators,not everyone likes that gamemode,we all have our differences and we should respect that,so,for the pvp hardcores that play fully synergized ships for no actual reason they implemented a slight chance to get destroyers stuff so they can spam more pvp,they also raised the costs since if you would use a premium account and a Prospector probe to get extra 4 loot searches,you can get more Berryllium or Neodium from the loot searches,at least that’s what they planned on,but the drops are as bad,maybe even worse than in OS,with what price?To fight Mk5 weaponized Cov Ops and Gunships?I dont think its worth it,T3 PvP is already screwed up with the matchmaking,we dont need extra vets with mk5 stuff to terrorize the casuals that just want to level up their useless Federation Guards,no,all what we need is to have fun and also grind a bit,since you cant get a destroyer by only having fun,you need to think about you next move and do your best so you can acomplish your dreams…
-The second thing,we have the destroyer repair drone,not sure if its a step towards engineering destroyers but that doesnt matter,it matters the fact that tehy covered one of the things a destroyer lack,regenerative capacities for its hull,especially for the empire destroyers,which again,DONT BUILD HULL TANK god,But in my opinion,they are good only for the empire destroyers,cause they shoulnt care so much about their shields,yet the stati barrier can still protect your hull but you can use the drone if you dont want to rely on those lazy engineers,if you want to play like a one-man team then go ahead!What are you waiting for?Dont forget to take the mk5 wepaon with you!*cough*xxxxxxx*cough*
-The next thing in our list is the lovely sector conquest tokens!At least make those available for Co-op or Spec-Ops cause T4 PvP queue takes AGES,id rather play againist broken modded r15 stupid bots than T4 Black hole spammers.
Just hope that you will win before running out of patience adn you should be fine!Moving on…
-The last thing we have is the Co-op change,now you can play with T4 ships and the enemy bots can use destroyers,i see that as a good idea to both farm mats and do the future tasks for the R14 Destroyers,hopefully…
Well folks,thats it for now,hope you enjoyed my guide and that it changed your mind upon quitting this mess…i-i mean game,uh…