Log in - Everyone who is logged out recently was on one minute ago.

Hey, I thought I’d just leave this here for you guys.

Whenever I log in recently, the game shows that everyone who has not been gone for

a couple of days just show up as online last 1 minute ago.








I think its all a big prank. Obviously, your corp and your friends wanted to blow your mind, they all logged off the second you logged in just to mess with you.

Haha. xD

It’s a bug, I guarantee it, I tested it with my corp members, they were not on for a few days and it shows up less than a minute ago.

It’s a bug, I guarantee it, I tested it with my corp members, they were not on for a few days and it shows up less than a minute ago.


I had the exact same thing, only with me it was 22 minutes. I found it strange because I never see my corp members online at the same moment.