Listed weapon damage incorrect for all weapons

See topic. I don’t know a single weapon in game that actually deals exactly the damage that you see on the tooltip. Could either the damage or the tooltips get fixed?

Each enemy has different resistances so the damage is always different.

Each enemy has different resistances so the damage is always different.

Don’t insult my intelligence, please. :wink:

I cannot really be bothered to grab logs for every single weapon but if you need an example I just posted one: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23849-kinetic-supercharger-multiple-damage-bugs/)

Gimme a moment and I’ll post one or two more, but that’ll have to be sufficient then. :stuck_out_tongue:

(no relevant implants, boosters, etc.)

  • Example 1:


vs 90 resists:

12:03:18.565 CMBT | Damage Snib -> Tester 231.01 Weapon_Plasmagun_Autofire_T4_Epic EMP|PRIMARY_WEAPON

vs -60 resists:

12:03:29.002 CMBT | Damage Snib -> Tester 702.26 Weapon_Plasmagun_Autofire_T4_Epic EMP|PRIMARY_WEAPON

Nominal damage: 410

Actual damage: 438.9125 (calculated, see [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-developers-blog-from-july-10th-damage-resistance/))

Discrepancy: +7.05%

You can check the rest of them yourself. :wink:

Just a question : What ship was flying the “Victim”? :smiley:

Just a question : What ship was flying the “Victim”? :smiley:


no implants, just phase shield for resistance switching



Nominal damage: 1043

Actual damage: 1304

Discrepancy: +25.02%


Frigates receives +25% damages against explosion. This is not a bug for the mortar.

Frigates receives +25% damages against explosion. This is not a bug for the mortar.

True that, forgot to include that. Removed that example.

Also take in account that :


  • All the explosive weapons do not have Optimal Range. (Optimal = Max range)
  • Degressive yeld if Firing Range > Optimal Range
  • Spread also impact Damages
  • Charging weapons
  • Amount of Projectiles


Edit : You will have trouble with the GPA (Guards Protective Association) for using a poor Zealot AE as Laboratory Animal !

Edit : You will have trouble with the GPA (Guards Protective Association) for using a poor Zealot AE as Laboratory Animal !

This particular Zealot AE is a GPA-certified testbed for life fire exercises, purchased specifically for that purpose. :smiley:

This particular Zealot AE is a GPA-certified testbed for life fire exercises, purchased specifically for that purpose. :smiley:


I didn’t approve this purchase !

The GPA is corrupted ! Damn it !

it felt like my guard vent weaker some patch ago 4 patches or so. but i couldn’t tell, so i quit playing my guard cause it recently started dying faster for no reason in my custom games to test it. was no way to tell if it was weaker or just me.


but this has been like this for 1-2 months now