Liquidator-X debuff does not stack

The resistance debuff from the Liquidator-X does not stack. I assume it was meant to, given the slow parameters and low crit of the weapon.

28 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I assume it was meant to, given the slow parameters and low crit of the weapon.

You can’t be serious. Did you learn your shipbuilding from WolfKhan or something?

I honestly think that they didn’t intend it to stack. Or maybe they did. Bearing in mind it’s an experimental weapon. You could pretty quickly get an excessive debuff on the enemy if you spammed infrared and shaped charges/vanadium shells if it did stack. I just think that in the end it comes down to the fact that this is a field test of new stuff so they could easily change stats later on.

13 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

The resistance debuff from the Liquidator-X does not stack. I assume it was meant to, given the slow parameters and low crit of the weapon.

Due to experimental status: lesser variables make it easier to balance the weapon(s) according to statistics