Limited shipchoice for Open Space missions

After some thinking I came up with ideas for open space/corpmissions. But the nature of these idea are basing on unique abilities and are therefore limiting for play.

Is this wanted? Would this be okay that you need a specific thing to make such mission doable/easier?

Vote to see if it would be okay.


General note to the specialist missions:

You will need a specific ship/abilty to complete the missions. It can’t be done in any other ship/without this ability.(May can be solved with corppower, but alone without this it will be very hard/impossible)


General note to the corpmissions:

As those ‘require’ a corp, those will make it very limited to play and very restricting.


I don’t make the work to think how the above can be done if I don’t have possitive feedback as it ‘limit’ your choice(and therefore may your funfactor to do missions).


I will see after a week, if enough have voted and how they voted.

We’re aiming to do more PvE activities for OS in the future, so, your suggestion may become handy ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

10 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

We’re aiming to do more PvE activities for OS in the future, so, your suggestion may become handy ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

I have over 5 ideas for missions, especially one for Spec Ops/big Corpmission. But they all have the ‘problem/feature’ of needing special abilities/shipclasses.

I dont like the fact of being forced to play a specific ship to complete a mission. Its a limitation…and i see more fun in variety; let each player pick his own aproach according to his playstyle.

On the other hand, having corp/group missions is something OS lacks and would benefit a lot. Im thinking on RPG games where you can group up to level up/farm/grind faster and go to harder places without major drawbacks. In example in a squad of 2 players, synergy for killing ships could be increased and splitted, granting 75% synergy reward for each player; 150% total, but less than 100% per player. Each player receives less per kill but take much less time killing, with a 50% gain per minute if we consider both pilots perform exactly the same. Squad players would receive synergy when being at certain distance from the kill or killing/assisting the target somehow. Adding more players to the squad/wing would require adjusting this value in order to slightly increase the synergy gain per minute (more players, more mouths to feed), therefore encouraging to squad up with more players but forcing them to be active. This would encourage a player to help his friend whos behind in game progression, speed up farming while being in contact with friends/corpmates or facing more difficult challenges to beat. In “Ace Online”, each extra player in a squad would increase experience gain by 10%, one of the reasons why it was so common to see several squads of 6 players (maximum size) farming in the same map…which was boosted by a window showing all existing squads, where any player could join (squad could be locked with password and leader had power to kick anyone to prevent abuse/trolling). Regarding to drops, an option could be set to split drops by: finders keepers (how system currently works), random (any player in the squad and instance could receive a trophy someone else picked), by turn (same but in order). This last would improve looting specially when beating bosses like the defiler in OS.

That’s why I’m asking it here and in this section. I thought alot of the problem of no corp-/groupmissions and come finally, that there is no incentive to use a group. If all content can be done solo(to the degree of very skilled), why use a group? Funny thing: There is 1! mission in OS that you can treat as such one: Invasion of alien in certain sectors.

To make 'group’content you need to make it so, that you can’t or hardly can handle it alone OR that you need divercity of shipclasses/abilities.

And THAT is exactly the point why it’s either impossible to create groupmissions or that you can’t include solo player.

Another thing I thought about are triggerevents. Things you do/be at a point/be something specific to trigger it. After you trigger it something special happen. That is normally not happen(spawn of transporter to kill/defend it/scan of something/if delivery or bombing is implemented such things too). But again would this be groupcontent? Easy said: No. Not if you take the part above explained. It would be just the same as the other missions, just with the exception you can trigger it instead of relying on rng if you have the mission active from leaving the station.

What you say is right papitas, but what you describe is NOT groupplay in itself. It’s more passive farming. Something you have already in SC. While you don’t get the killcount(if you don’t kill it with the last shot) for the ship destroyed, you get a assist(if you have damaged it at least one time).
For that you don’t even need to be in a group(randoms can hit all attacked enemies and so get assist for all).
A negative point from passive farming: If you don’t take into the requirements to active contribute, you just create a system of afk farming.
Something that is hated(just see the thread about it a bit below this one).
To the loot: It’s a negative point you suggest. At least with the current loot. Free for all is something fair. Noone can say he don’t have the chance to loot. But if you restrict it to a) the killer or b) the most contributor or c) totally random by the system itself you create more Q.Q
To avoid this, multiple(7+ containers/minerals) loot must be ejected or need to be shared(current system don’t allow this?).

we should have both then group mission and solo mission cause for some ppl i feel like they prefer play in solo like ppl who just start the game they won’t play in group, i play sc for a while but playing solo mission wasn’t something wrong we just need more stuff to do something that make us having fun, challenge and ofc a good reward that it :)!

14 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

What you say is right papitas, but what you describe is NOT groupplay in itself. It’s more passive farming. Something you have already in SC. While you don’t get the killcount(if you don’t kill it with the last shot) for the ship destroyed, you get a assist(if you have damaged it at least one time).
For that you don’t even need to be in a group(randoms can hit all attacked enemies and so get assist for all).
A negative point from passive farming: If you don’t take into the requirements to active contribute, you just create a system of afk farming.
Something that is hated(just see the thread about it a bit below this one).
To the loot: It’s a negative point you suggest. At least with the current loot. Free for all is something fair. Noone can say he don’t have the chance to loot. But if you restrict it to a) the killer or b) the most contributor or c) totally random by the system itself you create more Q.Q
To avoid this, multiple(7+ containers/minerals) loot must be ejected or need to be shared(current system don’t allow this?).

Randoms can get synergy from assists/kills but will receive a % lower than 100% according to the dmg dealt, the idea of squads is to reward the same amount of synergy no matter how much dmg % of the target was dealt by each player. Why is it not afk farming? because each player would get less synergy per kill than it would do alone, so in order to make it worth it, the other player has to contribute killing as well. There could be rank restrictions for synergy sharing like a R15 cant share synergy with a R1 ship, in order to prevent going through the lower ranks way too fast. About the loot, i still think those options (not restrictions) are decent (fairer than actual system) since atm the guy who reaches the container keeps it, therefore fast ships get all loot when slower ships (that probably dealt much more dmg) get nothing (the competition for grabbing loot goes against teamwork). Extra containers per squad player seems like weird…I was always thinking on Diablo 3 drop system (every player gets a separated loot they can only see and pick, later they can share what they’ve picked with other players), which idk if it can be done or be worth it.

12 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

we should have both then group mission and solo mission cause for some ppl i feel like they prefer play in solo like ppl who just start the game they won’t play in group, i play sc for a while but playing solo mission wasn’t something wrong we just need more stuff to do something that make us having fun, challenge and ofc a good reward that it :)!

Of course, options are always better. Changing from solo missions to group missions would be a mistake.

Just my two cents. I don’t care for anything that forces you to do a “group” mission. We all know how frustrating it can be to have 15 minutes of StarConflict time between work, meetings, etc and end up wasting it with clueless teammates. If we can eliminate / reduce that dynamic I think some kind of PVE in OS could be rather interesting. Obviously the areas would have to be S.Protection…or the pirate farmers would just have a day of it. Imagine the kill squads. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


So you reduce the killsynergy for the killer, but at the same time increase the reward for contributing papitas? That’s okay as incentive to play in squads, but this is far away from groupplay.

OS missions don’t force you to group. But is having content, that would be only/easier doable in groups, be so bad?(As normal missions not as daily ones)

Or having content, that is thought-provoking to finish it(and therefore in some ways limiting)?

Regarding corpmissions: Should it be something you start as Corpleader(or vize or something else of rank)? Or is it automatically activated for your corp?

After this ‘startingphase’ how should it be treated? As one time thing like daily monomission? Or should it be available for a timeframe(like Spec Ops)? And what is with the different factions? In the corps’ dreadnought faction? Or selectable in which faction it should take place? And what if it’s already done of some(and it’s not a one time thingie but like the Spec Ops one)? Should they get the reward again or not?

11 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

So you reduce the killsynergy for the killer, but at the same time increase the reward for contributing papitas? That’s okay as incentive to play in squads, but this is far away from groupplay.

On 6/28/2016 at 2:23 AM, Papitas said:

In example in a squad of 2 players, synergy for killing ships could be increased and splitted, granting 75% synergy reward for each player; 150% total, but less than 100% per player. Each player receives less per kill but take much less time killing, with a 50% gain per minute if we consider both pilots perform exactly the same.

21 hours ago, Papitas said:

each player would get less synergy per kill than it would do alone, so in order to make it worth it, the other player has to contribute killing as well.

If you do group play, both players get more synergy since they kill faster (in larger groups it would require the full activity of all members to make everyone earn more synergy than going solo); its a nice incentive. IDK what are you understanding for group play, but for me the fact of playing together is already group play. All you need to make this happen in SC is give incentives to do so…all the tools to play together are already available for anyone: hud health of squad members, ping, voice communication (TS/RC/V/etc)…all you lack is a camera from the teammate side xD (unless you play physically next to your friend). I played with a friend at OS using TS a few days ago and we made great group play: going together, focusing targets, coordinating actions, etc. All we needed was a good reason to keep farming aliens for more time.


11 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Regarding corpmissions: Should it be something you start as Corpleader(or vize or something else of rank)? Or is it automatically activated for your corp?

After this ‘startingphase’ how should it be treated? As one time thing like daily monomission? Or should it be available for a timeframe(like Spec Ops)? And what is with the different factions? In the corps’ dreadnought faction? Or selectable in which faction it should take place? And what if it’s already done of some(and it’s not a one time thingie but like the Spec Ops one)? Should they get the reward again or not?

I was thinking on having an extra set of missions with a green exclamation icon (similar to blue ones) on certain sectors…so no need for being on a specific station/faction. If they can be completed over and over, then rewards should be more or less steady without huge rewards (unless its a rare chance).



That’s not really group play. What you describe is just squading with flying around 'n killing stuff. For that you don’t need any content and to be honest: You don’t need any additional rewards. You even described why. You kill together faster and therefore more gain in the same timeframe. So I don’t see a real reason as the system already benefit your squad for doing so. :expressionless:

Groupplay is determined mostly in the opposite of Solo content i. e. not/hardly doable alone to be of a challenge and therefore way more rewarding or of the need of diversity to counter/exploit a strength/weakness.

To the corp: So something similiar to the aliensectors, just with the exception of alltime-repeatability?

18 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

That’s not really group play. What you describe is just squading with flying around 'n killing stuff. For that you don’t need any content and to be honest: You don’t need any additional rewards. You even described why. You kill together faster and therefore more gain in the same timeframe. So I don’t see a real reason as the system already benefit your squad for doing so. :expressionless:

Groupplay is determined mostly in the opposite of Solo content i. e. not/hardly doable alone to be of a challenge and therefore way more rewarding or of the need of diversity to counter/exploit a strength/weakness.

To the corp: So something similiar to the aliensectors, just with the exception of alltime-repeatability?

Theres no reason to team up, rewards are better if you play alone, you cant help a friend to gain synergy unless you stand and take all dmg while he shoots…its senseless. In a squad you gain synergy for the dmg done, so basically you are competing for getting the best; if you want to help a friend with worse equipement/skills you must hold back otherwise you gain most rewards, reason why your friend would do much better playing alone or going to any other game mode: kill faster but dont gain more, and the better killer gets most, same for the guy going to pick up loot: it forces competition instead of solidarity INSIDE the group. Rewards other than synergy are deficient even at solaris wasteland: a good place to prove your worth with someone else…why bother going to such a hard place without any worthy gain?

IMO you dont need something hard/impossible at solo playing to make it grouplay content, grouplay its something much bigger that includes that. " flying around 'n killing stuff " together, yes…its basic but its the esence of all you can do in SC aside from mining. Key is working together. In example, you can kill pirates by your own without trying hard. Now add a teammate that works coordinated with you: he drags massive amounts of pirates and together wipe them out with AoE weapons (alone you couldnt do it because you would be overwhelmed)–>1+1 sums more than 2. I find that to be a great example for groupplay. You can do team work in scenarios suitable for solo players, but get much higher results than 2 players working by their own. Beating bosses on the other hand is an easy and effective way to encourage group play, but its not the only instance where its possible. BTW i find hard taking out predators by my own, but i still have choices to do it solo or find a friend and do group play. Group play is created by players, incentives to generate that group play is created by devs.

Corp: can be one time per day or all time-repeteable…options for devs.

Either we play a different game or you don’t even have checked your own writing with the gamemechanics?
The killer and every contributor get reward for killing stuff. The less time you need for killing stuff, the more you can kill in the same time meaning higher reward/time.
And the last time I ‘tanked’ I didn’t get anything from it. Or do you mean healing support? That’s afaik not working in OS.
So if you don’t help out your ‘teammate’ to kill stuff easy overhelming him, a new system wouldn’t do anything in this regard. So if you don’t see any sense in this nobody can help you.
How you will handle loot? Currently it’s fair for everyone: Noone get the shot at it from the begin and every have the same chance. With the long time ago change was made it equal for every shipclass so I don’t again see the problem in itself.
Changes to the lootsystem in itself can be done in a separate suggestionthread.

So what’s your real problem?

16 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Either we play a different game or you don’t even have checked your own writing with the gamemechanics?
The killer and every contributor get reward for killing stuff. The less time you need for killing stuff, the more you can kill in the same time meaning higher reward/time.
And the last time I ‘tanked’ I didn’t get anything from it. Or do you mean healing support? That’s afaik not working in OS.
So if you don’t help out your ‘teammate’ to kill stuff easy overhelming him, a new system wouldn’t do anything in this regard. So if you don’t see any sense in this nobody can help you.
How you will handle loot? Currently it’s fair for everyone: Noone get the shot at it from the begin and every have the same chance. With the long time ago change was made it equal for every shipclass so I don’t again see the problem in itself.
Changes to the lootsystem in itself can be done in a separate suggestionthread.

So what’s your real problem?

Yes, the dude who made 98% of the dmg gets 8k synergy and the other who did 2% dmg gets 100 (no “k”) from the predator.
" And the last time I ‘tanked’ I didn’t get anything from it " no because you are helping the OTHER dude get synergy and what ive been saying all along: you dont get synergy for cooperating, only for dealing dmg, and you receive synergy according to that % of the dmg, percentage which the other dude from the squad wont get, get it? Its the same killing the double but receiving 50% synergy per kill. No difference from going solo. Not what ive been saying.

Loot: everyone has the same chance: of course, a 700ms tackler has the same chance to pick a container 3km away than a 200ms frigate. Is that fair? or you can get close as much as you can before the target dies so you can grab as much as you can, and others cant pick. Is that fair? Player A may do 100% dmg without any assistance and player B rush and steal cargo. Is that fair?


Im sry but you arent understanding what im saying, please take a look and read it well.

Damage done is irrelevant for the synergy given.
The killer get the killreward and every contributor get the assist reward.
Both is only determined of the reward of the killed object itself.
Then the system determines for every player their own bonuses they have(R15 implant, fleet strength, prem etc.) to the base reward.

To the loot: Failed skilluse isn’t my problem. If you think to kill enemies 10km+ away from you you don’t deserve the loot. Everyone can be at the target at its death and have the same chance to collect it. Your wish is an abusive system and if you check it again you will agree.

Your general problem seem to be more of an ego/skill one.

Comments added in bold inside the quote:

8 hours ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Damage done is irrelevant for the synergy given. False
The killer get the killreward and every contributor get the assist reward. Get a synergy reward proportional to damage and if its kill or assist
Both is only determined of the reward of the killed object itself. False, see above
Then the system determines for every player their own bonuses they have(R15 implant, fleet strength, prem etc.) to the base reward. All good except the base reward is relative to the amount of participation, as stated above

To the loot: Failed skilluse isn’t my problem. Failed skill use? do guards have a teleport skill?

If you think to kill enemies 10km+ away from you you don’t deserve the loot. Why not? you did all effort taking it down. And it doesnt have to be 10km, 4km is enough for a fast ship to beat a slow one picking multiple objects. That seems abusive

Everyone can be at the target at its death and have the same chance to collect it. Why are you forcing competition in a squad that should work together and NOT fight each other to get the most?

Your wish is an abusive system and if you check it again you will agree. Whats abusive on it at all? Whats wrong with you? its much more fair than the actual one, and i offer options for players to choose what they find best for the squad. Splitting rewards evenly, is that abusive? how?

Your general problem seem to be more of an ego/skill one. How in hell could you get to that conclusion? O.O Im posting all of this because when i play with friends i take by far the biggest reward and leave them with nothing. I have no issues getting what i need, they do instead, and i cant help them unless i fly in their accounts because the system is wrong. You are failing to understand how game works, what is fair for teamplay and what im saying, are you really taking your time to get what ive been writing? I could easly post an offense here, but ill just limitate to name that youve failed like 4 times to understand what ive sayed…and still dont get it.