Limited Edition Premium Federation Gunship T3


Holy cow

Tried to do the opposite



Could you do that with a wolf m? If so then thats the next ship ill buy.

Wolf-m only has one hull slot so… no


But wolf-m can be pretty hard to kill with 2x adaptive + Proton wall. Try it


Desert Wolf-M?


I still need to grind some fed tackler’s, but I might find a use for my lightweight hulls and submatter shields.  How do the stats compare to a tanked out Wolf-M?  I know my quick test of converting a Styx to an Anaconda left the Anaconda as superior.

Could you do that with a wolf m? If so then thats the next ship ill buy.


I can do a wolf-m with 8.5k shield, Particle Purge all the ceptors!

Wolf-m only has one hull slot so… no

But wolf-m can be pretty hard to kill with 2x adaptive + Proton wall. Try it

in all honesty that actually sounds better to me. Singularity strafing run time.