LightBringer Resistance.

This with one healer, is too overpowered.



kinda OP if you ask me. 


all you do is particle purge and then ur armor is gonna protect you for way long. the ship might be a bit slow but all i see is long range ION emitters and beom you got some overpowered gunship that can take quite amount of damage. because this resistance it heals faster (if you get my point) in a 12 v 12 match i see this and it needs to get ganged or else it kills you instead. 


6000 range on ion emitters, is quite possible on this one. wich makes it overpowered


even the ECM’s struggle just to deal enough damage within time.



80% of T5 pilots have no quarrels about shooting that ship DEAD. What makes you so special? Is it because you can’t kill it with your Guard?

it  is a flying brick that even under overcharge can not do much in close range

The fact is still here.


When the guard was able to reach this Amount of resistance for “1 Type” with the phase shield, the QQ were too damn high.

But Nobody care when A gunship can reach it for all the Resistance at the same time and with 3 CPU slots (Ho wait, 2-3 Horizons Slots)

The fact is still here.


When the guard was able to reach this Amount of resistance for “1 Type” with the phase shield, the QQ were too damn high.

But Nobody care when A gunship can reach it for all the Resistance at the same time and with 3 CPU slots (Ho wait, 2-3 Horizons Slots)

because those resistances were stacked on top of 3-4x times Hull and Shield pool combined with enormous self heals and signature masking+pulsar

We all want the game to be balanced. not base our answers to me because you dont like me .


Since laser weapons where nerfed in range. (also laser on guards has longer spread than ION emitters. so ion emitters deals more damage at closer range aswell. ) 


you dont get much of 6000 range, I dont see how a gunship with 6000 range +, on ion emitters is fair for annyone. normal fighters does not have this much either. (is possible but there is not many using it cause low power)


here you just stack critical hit module + overcharge at a 6000 range +. thats not gonna be pretty


you can do a squad, 3 gunships and one naga with mk4 modules to heal. if the pilots can aim then this will kill mostly everything .


the gunships and naga just goes reverse speed if enemy gets closer. 


3 particle purges with 5000-8000 shield each. if ECM would come close you would have 3 of them. (well depends but im sure that not all 3 gunships would loose their shield before some interceptors is in range. 

because those resistances were stacked on top of 3-4x times Hull and Shield pool combined with enormous self heals and signature masking+pulsar


That was true with the OLD weapons T.T (I miss my old Heavy Railgun / Plasma / Laser), with the Insane dammages.


(MineLayer + Ion WarHead on a guard, maybe not the best exemple).


The Phase Shield was less effective before the -30 on All shield Resistance.

Secondly the Hull Resistance on a Guard remain the same. Only 2 Exceptions exist 'Grizzly Mk2 and the Inquisitor S" which have 2 hull slots.


Guards will be nerfed again as usual.


Secondly the Hull Resistance on a Guard remain the same. Only 2 Exceptions exist 'Grizzly Mk2 and the Inquisitor S" which have 2 hull slots.


Guards will be nerfed again as usual.

Not exactly true, back then you had 1xGalvanic+1x"All resists for shield" and another 4 passives to mass more resistances

crus s vent upp to 80-90k survival at that time. i just used nukes at beacons. was the most epic games ever. 

So you have a gunship with the maneuverability of a frigate. I can do that also with my Desert eagle, just stack implant resistances, 3X purple galva armor and 2X CPU with double horizon and flat reflector. I flew it, and you are like a heavy turret. You can’t move, and if anything goes close will take you down, because you can’t counter it except when in overdrive. And even with overdrive, your maneuverability is worse than the average fighter.


It is like crying because a Sai or a Eagle B can reach 550 speed without AB. sure it can, but if you blow at their side, he is dead.

I really don’t get why you guys continue to reply to threads by this guy.

From the two weeks so far I’ve been on here, this guy seems to just post troll threads.

His responses are also extremely childish. I don’t think there’s any threat of him being taken seriously.

Call me naive, but I still have faith in humankind. And as Ory said, it is entertaining.

Call me naive, but I still have faith in humankind. And as Ory said, it is entertaining.

Having dealt with the world of tanks community and mod team, I think I’m done with faith in humanity.

It’s barely civil in the CBT forums over at War Thunder.

Having dealt with the world of tanks community and mod team, I think I’m done with faith in humanity.

It’s barely civil in the CBT forums over at War Thunder.

Did you ever have any experience with DOTA2 or HoN community? It is kindergarten here.

My faith in humanity is completely lost ever since world of warcraft opened its doors to a super massive amount of brazilians (even tho im a brazilian, and i apologise for it, we basically ruin every game we invade).


But, my faith in intelligence and experience is intact, so i still believe in somethings intelligent ppl talk.

Did you ever have any experience with DOTA2 or HoN community? It is kindergarten here.


You don’t even need to see them writing, just looking at the nicknames you can know what kind of person is it.

i wouLd love to typE some examples, but I thinK I would be banned if i did, So, of we go.

Having dealt with the world of tanks community and mod team, I think I’m done with faith in humanity.

It’s barely civil in the CBT forums over at War Thunder.

Even after suffering WoT, Warthunder, Dota2, LoL, Starcraft 2 and EvE online communities, my faith stays. Maybe because after walking the path of the hopeless and the bitterness, my resolution is even harder.


PS: Just kidding, I will purge them with fire if it would be legal. BURN THE HERETICS!!