
I think 75% XP bonus is a bit too much for premium accounts. It will make f2p players start greaving and moaning about “this is not a f2p game” when you give a 75% xp boost. And f2p players are important no? Because if they like it and recommend it to their friends, the friends or friends of friends might be willing to part with a few bucks. Make it 50% and all should be well.

P.S. I’m not one of the f2p trolls that say “mmmnooo, i will never pay for a game, it’s stupid to pay cash for games, even if i play it all day long and enjoy somebody’s work, i will not pay for it!” :slight_smile:

I think 75% XP bonus is a bit too much for premium accounts. It will make f2p players start greaving and moaning about “this is not a f2p game” when you give a 75% xp boost. And f2p players are important no? Because if they like it and recommend it to their friends, the friends or friends of friends might be willing to part with a few bucks. Make it 50% and all should be well.

P.S. I’m not one of the f2p trolls that say “mmmnooo, i will never pay for a game, it’s stupid to pay cash for games, even if i play it all day long and enjoy somebody’s work, i will not pay for it!” :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback perhaps we could start a discussion about this if some others want to join.

From my point of view, 75% is not to much. It only saves time and wont give advantage in PvP so you can still beat this people.

Thanks for the feedback perhaps we could start a discussion about this if some others want to join.

From my point of view, 75% is not to much. It only saves time and wont give advantage in PvP so you can still beat this people.

The 75% land in the skilltree and the skilltree gives the advantage. You can pump the skilltree much faster compared to one who has no license. Then you can use better modules and your ship can become even better on the same Tier and lvl. Reduce the reward to maybe 60% and grant an addition of 10% reputation to increase the rank up speed. This could be the best option. Prem Player get up much faster by still having good equip.

The main ideea is to let f2p people actually play, not put them on a VISIBLE grind duty for 50 years in order to get tier 2. 75% boost means for each premium fight, a f2p player has to play 4 fights. so 10 minutes is turned into 40 minutes. It’s demoralising. Yes it can be done if you’re a true nerd (forever farming), but people would start complaining, and it would be bad publicity.

We can sort people like this i think:

  1. People who like the game, and are not trolls that don’t pay for a quality entertaining product, will pay for premium anyway, to advance at the highest speed in the game, and some of them even to support the developers.

  2. People who actually can’t afford to spend money on games will not pay,not even for a 75% boost.With 75% disadvantage compared to the rest they will just give up and quit. With a 50% disadvantage, well it doesn’t look that dramatic. And if they like it, they’ll talk with friends about it, spread the word, that might get you paying customers.

  3. Trolls who are cool 'cause they never pay the tzuca girl from the corner of the street, she does it for free, if you know what i mean :slight_smile: . They will also never pay, but as the guys from point 2, some of their friends might.

The f2p model (make money out of a free product) means you need to attract a BIG mass of people to your game, and make 20%-30%-50%-70% (depending on how good your f2p model is) pay for various stuff, without alianating your other playerbase.

So yes, i am sure the devs/bussiness people from your office know this stuff already but i’m just stating it to make sure: make the game as f2p friendly as possible, at least in the mind of the player. Make it at least look friendly, we need a large comunity, specially for the first months. Let the word spread, try to avoid giving people reason to flame everywhere that this is a p2w game.

The 75% land in the skilltree and the skilltree gives the advantage. You can pump the skilltree much faster compared to one who has no license. Then you can use better modules and your ship can become even better on the same Tier and lvl. Reduce the reward to maybe 60% and grant an addition of 10% reputation to increase the rank up speed. This could be the best option. Prem Player get up much faster by still having good equip.

This doesn’t really matter, the advancement of the other people, because normally, matchmaker woulld always give you Aces to play against, Aces that will advance beyond you, but you won’t get to play with them again since they advance so fast.

EDIT: You are actually right, people would advance with -25% cash but cash doesn’t seem to be a problem. But is it the same rep rewards? The license description doesn’t mention rep rewards, but i think i read in a post that it’s the same as XP, you get a 75% bonus rep boost aswell?

This doesn’t really matter, the advancement of the other people, because normally, matchmaker woulld always give you Aces to play against, Aces that will advance beyond you, but you won’t get to play with them again since they advance so fast.

EDIT: You are actually right, people would advance with -25% cash but cash doesn’t seem to be a problem. But is it the same rep rewards? The license description doesn’t mention rep rewards, but i think i read in a post that it’s the same as XP, you get a 75% bonus rep boost aswell?

Yes you also get the reward on rep.

We hope to get a big community for the game so we appreciate your feedback and we try our best to let your wishes come true.

I think when the Black market is released we can have some detailed disussion about f2p and p2w so we can find the best solution for the players and for the devs, because they also need to earn some money;)

the 75% xp/rep and 25% currency in my opinion should be no problem it would still be a true f2p, most f2p players arent bothered with that, u just have to play a little longer than those with license and just bear with it for a while and then even with no license u’ll get there … the fact that u can buy some modules and ships with gold that could make the game p2w and make ppl leave if they will be extremely op then the ingame currency counterparts

I think there could also be made a balance if there were some little events from time to time so also non paying players could get some bonus rewards.

I think there could also be made a balance if there were some little events from time to time so also non paying players could get some bonus rewards.

This might be a very good ideea! Maybe make a weekly event (1 day per week maybe) where all accounts would get full XP. That would guarantee the servers to be as full as possible in that day, make casual people play at least 1 day per week, and overall make the game harder to forget.

This would be something aimed directly at f2p players, they would feel the love, and with a bit of luck addict them to +75% xp.

Or a weekend per month.

Other ideeas would be to mek it a really long farm from a premium day. Give 1 gold per victory, that would take 100 victories for a premium day. I’ve been playing alot sice i got this game, and i only have 56 wins in 5 days. A premium day at 60 hours of gameplay or so should be reasonable i think. Maybe that could work aswell, and it would look good. Or make it 100 hours of gameplay.

Or as in World of Battles, where you can pay for premium with a huge amount of ingame currency. Maybe 1 million credits for a premium day, but i’m not sure this would work. Maybe if it would be a special license, that only gives XP/Rep bonus, not credit bonus.

Food for thought

There is much free room for events and ideas so we can find the best way.

But I am not in the position to decide about that, but I will try to help that no one will get a disadvantage, not the players and not the devs.

There is much free room for events and ideas so we can find the best way.

But I am not in the position to decide about that, but I will try to help that no one will get a disadvantage, not the players and not the devs.

Hehe the f2p players are supposed to be in a disadvantage, preferably a big one so that they are pushed to buying the stuff. But it’s gotta look good, we all want this game to succeed, the ones that are in these forums. And to succeed the pople making the game and their sponsors have to be paid :slight_smile:

If the matchmaking system is refined to only allow players in a specific range of levels, then the XP boost of +75% won’t be such a big problem (as long as REP gets buffed aswel). That would just mean that people level up quicker. The money boost is where the problem would be, if this gets boosted +75%, that would cause imbalances.

What works best in my opinion is a max XP, gold and rep based on the match, which then gets deducted according to your P2P status.

Say P2P get 75% of the XP, the last 25% being another buff which players can buy, or which can be rewarded in events. F2P players might only get 25% of the total XP.

This could also be applied to coins earned or REP earned.

Hehe the f2p players are supposed to be in a disadvantage, preferably a big one so that they are pushed to buying the stuff. But it’s gotta look good, we all want this game to succeed, the ones that are in these forums. And to succeed the pople making the game and their sponsors have to be paid :slight_smile:

im not gonna complaint about f2p player should have disadvantage over payin one… but should it doesnt really “Feeled” too much in battle… or even nobody know they got advantage but the payin player

so yea… so far im still doesnt complaint to license or any gold item … yet… since we still doesnt know what contain in black market…