Morning. Yenii here. Looking for fun and to excel.


Hit me up ingame: Yenii


Fly safe!








It’s handy to provide some additional information so corporations know whether or not you would be the right fit.

Not to mention so that we can fight over good players :taunt:

Timezone: Central, UsA

Age: 26

Teamspeak: Check

Experience: No thanks trying to cut down XD


No but seriously folks, long time gaming vet, got bitten by the star conflict bug. Maxed out my empire ships, moving into the different roles now. 


Any other questions feel free to ask!


Go that experience joke was just dreadful now that I look at it. Yuck.

We’d be more than happy to give you a home - relevant links are in my signature :slight_smile:

Grand. Sent in an app evil as well as steam request. 

All sorted. Great guy as well :slight_smile:

Fair enough. See you both in-game!