Lookin for corp



700+ battles

~1.5 win rate

full fit rank 9’s (all blue)

experience in many other games (eve, WoT etc)

happy to use voice comms

26y/o uk based english speaker



lookin for:

small tight nit corp

a focus on tactics

members will always wanna sqd up

intrest in tourneys etc

intrest in sector conq

no drama





I’m mostly intrested in a smaller corp with high activety from a few members. I like to get to know the pilots i fly with, devolping tactics etc and becoming used to how each other plays rather than a faceless number in a bigger corp. Corps that hav an issue with adualt language and themes need not both aproaching me. currently in my own corp i made for friends but only 1 still plays so im lookin for a new corp.


Pls reply here if im not in game

hay mate feel free to check us out 

