LF Corp

I’m a good pilot looking for an active Corp.  Preferable top 10 PVP corp.  invite me in game or send me a message with the time (EST) to meet you.

The way the system works right now gives an advantage to mass recruitment corp with little skill while smaller corps with better players get severely punished. The top 10 pvp corp don’t necessarily have the best players in them.


anyways just saying



Tell me with a straight face this isn’t true



I’m a good pilot looking for an active Corp.  Preferable top 10 PVP corp.  invite me in game or send me a message with the time (EST) to meet you.


Just echoing other people - I’d recommend doing a little research on these forums and asking around what the ‘decent’ corps are. There’s a few who are head and shoulders above the rest (both on the RU and EN sides) and then there’s a group of good/decent corporations as well.


You also want to look at what the corporation is like in activity, what people it contains, whether or not they have any fun, etc etc. Some corporations have internal events, participate in the tournaments, etc. whilst others do not.


Long story short, the in-game leader board doesn’t really tell you anything right now. It’s rankings are based purely on number of people and the corporations with ‘below average’ members have an 8x easier time (this is an actually accurate figure, not a random one) gaining points than the corporations with primarily top-end players.

Top corps that focus on fun competitive play styles are WPK, NASA, ESB, NOVA and TUF. 


WPK and NASA are the top english speaking corps as they are very active and friendly. Except when Evil takes my sweet rolls…and throws them on a mortar cannon and I watch it explode in the distance…

Okay, thanks everyone.  Since I’m English speaking EST (near DC), I’ll check out WPK and NASA per JPHack’s comments.  Thanks.

If you hve any questions about The United Front, please feel free to send them my way.