LF a corp to have fun with.

Just what the topic says. I’m pretty new but have a grasp on everything I think.

Many corporations will ask for some basic stats (Time in battle, DSR, win/loss, etc.) Some do have age guidelines, and others may have more of a USA member base (or UK, Austrailia, Russia, etc.) [Here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/14458-list-of-active-english-corporations-in-star-conflict/) is a list of active English speaking corporations. If you have anyother questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Many corporations will ask for some basic stats (Time in battle, DSR, win/loss, etc.) Some do have age guidelines, and others may have more of a USA member base (or UK, Austrailia, Russia, etc.) [Here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/14458-list-of-active-english-corporations-in-star-conflict/) is a list of active English speaking corporations. If you have anyother questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

time spent is 5.5hrs

dsr is 1108

win/loss is 1 even right now 27/26

28 years old and from the US.

Name is same in game - DStealth