Level bonus

  1. Ship modifier modules doesn’t affect anything the Synergy level bonus give.

  2. That for example that Reinforced Beams affect the hull strength given from the level bonus.

  3. Increasing the Synergy level of a ship, which increase the hull strength, aren’t multiplied with the Reinforced Beams.

  4. For example: Base hull strength 5k Synergy level give +500 and Reinforced Beams give +20%. Instead of 5500(6600) it’s 5500(6500). In () the effect of Reinforced Beams.

  5. Haven’t tested it further, but it seem to happen with all Synergy level bonuses not affected by any Ship modifier modules.

The games modifier system works like base value *(1+mods(synergy lvl / modules / crew / stuff)

[Developer blog: Modifier effect addition](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25889-developer-blog-from-january-23th-modifier-effect-addition/)

So those count as ‘various bonuses’?

So those count as ‘various bonuses’?

My english is bad and I didn’t understand your question. Sorry.

My english is bad and I didn’t understand your question. Sorry.

How does your link answer/resolve the reported bug?

How does your link answer/resolve the reported bug?

Your calculations are wrong; Modifiers always give x% of the base value of the ship not the values it have when it’s fill levled

How does your link answer/resolve the reported bug?

You can write ypor question here

You can write ypor question here

Why ship modifier doesn’t affect level bonuses?

I lost 1 level each on 2 ships lvl 5 Deinos and Fox


mods and parts are also missing from the ships and I replaced them.



