Legion's and Warden's Loyalty vouchers are both switched - Legion gives Warden type?

Bug report: Open Space tasks/missions for Loyalty vouchers (Empire only)



What happened?

Displayed missions in Open Space tab (Loyalty vouchers only) give incorrectly assigned type/side of conflict reward.

Legion’s loyalty actually gives Warden’s loyalty vouchers instead of Legion’s. Warden’s Loyalty vouchers give Legion’s type.

It could be just one mission that’s glitched.


It’s currently unclear if the Pirate Stash and Mysterious Container is also affected by this issue as well when you get Empire - Legion/Warden Loyalty vouchers.


Screenshot: Empire Loyalty vouchers



Left: Warden

Right: Legion



[2018.05.12 14.46.59.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16895)


Recent logs show no abnormalities, but it’s possible that one contract is incorrectly showing the reward insignia or just that it’s switched for one or more OS task/s. More research is needed.


also shows incorrect vouchers @ completion in the sector. it’s not until you get back to the hangar that the ones earned are shown.screenshot-180514-071153.png.9985e969ca307d4d5afdaa3be641c51c.jpg



