Leaving SC

Well most of you might not know me or some of you might know me. I am BlueGalaxy and i been playing since April 11 2014. I made a ton of good friends on SC and i talk to them sometimes on teamspeak. They cheered me up when i was down. The reason i am leaving is because i feel like Star Conflict is not fun anymore. Due to the past patches (Patch 1.2.4 was a good patch but it still didn’t fix most of Star Conflict issues) Star Conflict went to Fun to just nothing. It just not fun or appealing to me anymore. I do not plan coming back to Star Conflict even if they solve the problems on the game. Well Farewell fellow pilots.





BlueGalaxy signing Out.

To be honest I never get bored from SC. I do sometimes because I keep playing, taking a break fix it.


Buuuut good bye.

Well, I understand you.

You’re not the only one.



Good luck on your journey!

More will follow, more have already followed

Well, I understand you.

You’re not the only one.



Good luck on your journey!

I play a lot of Garry’s Mod so you can find me on there. If you don’t know what it is look it up on google.

I sympathize with your reasons for leaving.


Best wishes, and may the force be with you… (particularly the dark side  :00555: )



Can I get your stuff?

Can I get your stuff?

I would gladly give you all my stuff on SC but sadly there is no trade option and i uninstalled SC.

Take care BlueGalaxy, GL HF. o7