"Leave Battle" Issue

As of late, every time I leave a battle, whether it be PvP or PvE, when I return to the hangar I still see the alert that my ships are in battle. I have access to the “Equipment” and “Ships” tabs (which are blocked while waiting), but I cannot re-launch into a new battle with the ships I last used. I try restarting the game but the bug is still there. I’m not sure if this bug is well known among others, but it’s starting to become a bother while playing. If the devs could fix this as soon as possible, that would be of many thanks.

It’s not a bug, it’s intentional.  It’s to prevent people from avoiding a possible losing match and to instead get them to fight their hardest to secure a win.  It’s also to discourage you from abandoning your team.


Also, if it’s capture the beacons or combat recon, and you cannot respawn, you do get your rewards if you just wait.  You don’t get anything if you leave.

Don’t abandon battles, you could be punished for that.

We have enough ragequitters in DotA 2 pls dont do it here too.

It’s not a bug, it’s intentional.  It’s to prevent people from avoiding a possible losing match and to instead get them to fight their hardest to secure a win.  It’s also to discourage you from abandoning your team.


Also, if it’s capture the beacons or combat recon, and you cannot respawn, you do get your rewards if you just wait.  You don’t get anything if you leave.

Thank you for the information. I actually have an idea from that now,