Learning the hard way

For a while some players that I often fight in open space have been harrassing me. I refrained from reporting pilots, as I was never intended to punish anyone. But that was the begining of my mistake. For whenever someone was mean to me, I was mean back to them. Well, not only loosing my temper and lowering my own level on that one, I disregarded the fact that for a while I’m a member of the team as a translator. Big mistake right there. I’m supposed to set the example.


After being really mad at the situation I spoke to two GMs on the forum and on our private channel. Both were very kind and explained the situation to me, even though I was being a thick head. And you know what? I had to learn my lesson the hard way.


Therefore I’m making this post to blow some steam off and to publicly apologize for not following the rules and for acting as I did. If you’re reading this, learn out of my experience. If you’re one of the people that has crossed me on those cases, I apologize to you. If you’re not, I apologize for not setting the example.


Responsibility is something that sometimes we take for granted and don’t really comprehend it’s depth. I’m aware of my mistakes and it won’t happen again. I feel silly and my frustration from being banned from the chat has turned into a frustration for my lack of awareness. My lack of respect and resposibility.


I hope this community grow bigger and brighter. I hope everyone have a good time in the game, safe from people that act as I did. I hope people understand that sometimes we can hurt not only others, but guidelines that keep us all together in friendly terms. I really hope my mistake set the example I failed to set and I wish you all have a great weekend.



I think you are makeing it too easy for yourself. Your crimes were of such magnitude that they cant easily be forgiven. If you really want to repent, then u must truely regret your transgressions. This will be hard way and take much time, but i think it is possibl.e

I think you are makeing it too easy for yourself. Your crimes were of such magnitude that they cant easily be forgiven. If you really want to repent, then u must truely regret your transgressions. This will be hard way and take much time, but i think it is possibl.e

true. one’s conciousness is his own prison, though.

I would also like to take Woo’s example and apologise for my rudeness on this forum. Sometimes in game…

As a person, I do have flaws, but I should also try to improve my self. Woo aways says on Vikings team speak to not take anything (about this game) personally. Even if I tried, I’ve failed many times while talking to other players. And instead of been constructive on patch discussions i had been spitting venom. No more! My sincere apologies, I took my pills and i look forward to new opportunities to show myself as respectful as a I can. I still going to be rude sometimes, for the fun of it, that comes with the viking attitude, but i also can present myself with positive viking values.


PS: I am nice, Bongo said so. :smiley:

I really hope my mistake set the example I failed to set and I wish you all have a great weekend.



I hardly think, you can force reflection upon others. It is an achievement which you can only suggest. In fact, you might even just trigger pride.

It is the way of humans to look up at the lucky ones, who just have judgmental suggestions, instead of asking those on the ground who tried and failed.

And if one encounters someone who earned his position with wisdom, they are disappointing heroes aswell; as they know they cant force reflection upon you.

Once however, the clear taste of reflection goes down our throat, and we feel redemption at the bottom of the pit, we realize, it is hard to share.

Be nice.

Or be clever, and hide insults in intellectual passive aggressive wordplay.

Nah, be nice. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I hardly think, you can force reflection upon others. It is an achievement which you can only suggest. In fact, you might even just trigger pride.

It is the way of humans to look up at the lucky ones, who just have judgmental suggestions, instead of asking those on the ground who tried and failed.

And if one encounters someone who earned his position with wisdom, they are disappointing heroes aswell; as they know they cant force reflection upon you.

Once however, the clear taste of reflection goes down our throat, and we feel redemption at the bottom of the pit, we realize, it is hard to share.

Be nice.

Or be clever, and hide insults in intellectual passive aggressive wordplay.

Nah, be nice. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No one’s forced to anything. There are only chances. And chances are as we take 'em.

Each one’s to see what they want to see. Not what’s there to be seen.

My point stands: sharing my perspective. Although I appreciate your comments and attention, I have to say the question is:

Are you willing to learn? And I don’t ask you, yourself… but we in general. And I don’t want an answer, nor to impose it.

To think is not only go through. It’s the act of explore the idea, to approach it in a critical and analitic way.

I made a mistake. A simple one. That could lead to a bigger frustration than only having a temporary chat ban or avoiding the hand shake with a possible friend. That’s me sharing one event and my thoughts on it. Being nice is far better than saying what’s on my head, for sure.

My only goal with this post was to apologize and to blow some steam off. And by hoping I expect nothing, but would love to evolve from there on.


Cheers, mate.

Actually, my advice is: Be rude!

(Or be nice, but be rude if something pisses u off or just have bad day)


That may sound stupid, but i have visited many a forum and some had specific rules against rude behavior. U might think that this made reading there pleasant, but it wasnt. People after a while invented many forms of passive aggressive behavior and implicit insults that were actually pretty annoying.


I am rather called an Ace and idiot or worse, than worry if the praise i just got is actually a hidden insult or read snarky remark in another variant.

So, aparently we have to agree to disagree.

Being rude will only piss you off again, imo.


On the other hand, if you’re nice, you have the rules to do their work for you.

Someone is harrassing you? Try to be nice and break the pattern or just ignore and report them.


Three choices based on the rules to keep you on a good mood and the community focused on the fun.

Dude you have no idea the things people wrote me and the stuffs I write back (I have a special screenies gallery for that).

Relax: it’s just a game, meanwhile be creative with insults and don’t take it serious.

It’s just a game.

It’s just a game.

I love the “it’s just a game” argument. It always seems to be trotted out when people are doing something they wouldn’t have the balls to do in the same room as the other player. Or it will turn up with its cousin, “it’s just a prank”, who seems to love breaking the law.

I don’t think it’s about games.

It’s about the Internet. Being abstracted away means we can lower our filters, and become much worse, than in a real life situation. Or at least don’t hold it back so much.

I rather use the Internet for it’s upsides: being abstracted means, we can also touch matters of higher importance, discuss thought.

To say “just games” I stopped. Having this notion of “games are less important because they have no consequence” becomes kind of a lie, if I think back on how playing a game often has helped solving real world issues.

In fact, I think computer games can help solve issues with the mind and soul, connect, and do have real consequence.

Being rude, condescending, etc. but usually holding it back for me is a deeper personal issue.

Learning to keep it back, even if you are in the internet, is a civilized step.

Just don’t being a jerk is however another, and requires much more bravery.

Becoming transcendent about it makes you invulnerable against rudeness. So while I can take a lot of rude behaviour, I do have to say, I still would not “let it live” in my life, since that anger just grows, and might even start to manifest apart from the internet.

So while it sometimes is funny even among friends, it can start to “not be funny” if it persists.

After all everything in life can be trained, rudeness too.

Or how JC my old buddy said: It’s not what goes into your mouth, it’s what comes out of it, which makes u unclean. Or sth.

The only person who has to listen to you being a jerk all day is you.


I never start an argument, if someone start a rant against me for a kill or a defeat then, since this  is  a game: you deserve my creative insults.


That’s it, no macho stuffs involved. 

@g4borg I dig the turn you took on this thread. And I appreciate the fact that even though we approach it by different angles we’re still talking about the same thing. I have to say I see them games just like you do. It all comes to a chance to explore ideas and rehearse philosophy, if one’s up for the challenge.


@Spongejohn I also agree with you. It’s a good creativity exercise, that I embrace with humor and some thinking. :slight_smile:


@Katovsky here’s a bird for you:  fMeCs2c.gif hahahahahaha

Okay, thread derailed.

