For a while some players that I often fight in open space have been harrassing me. I refrained from reporting pilots, as I was never intended to punish anyone. But that was the begining of my mistake. For whenever someone was mean to me, I was mean back to them. Well, not only loosing my temper and lowering my own level on that one, I disregarded the fact that for a while I’m a member of the team as a translator. Big mistake right there. I’m supposed to set the example.
After being really mad at the situation I spoke to two GMs on the forum and on our private channel. Both were very kind and explained the situation to me, even though I was being a thick head. And you know what? I had to learn my lesson the hard way.
Therefore I’m making this post to blow some steam off and to publicly apologize for not following the rules and for acting as I did. If you’re reading this, learn out of my experience. If you’re one of the people that has crossed me on those cases, I apologize to you. If you’re not, I apologize for not setting the example.
Responsibility is something that sometimes we take for granted and don’t really comprehend it’s depth. I’m aware of my mistakes and it won’t happen again. I feel silly and my frustration from being banned from the chat has turned into a frustration for my lack of awareness. My lack of respect and resposibility.
I hope this community grow bigger and brighter. I hope everyone have a good time in the game, safe from people that act as I did. I hope people understand that sometimes we can hurt not only others, but guidelines that keep us all together in friendly terms. I really hope my mistake set the example I failed to set and I wish you all have a great weekend.