League of Duelists

Hello everyone, I would like to make a suggestion for a kind of “league”.


It would be called League of Duelists:


The games would consist of 1v1 fights with interceptors of tier 3-5 The games could be divided in 2 types:

  • Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).

  • Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

  • Pulse Laser/Doomsday/proximity mine/attack drone/small missiles off.


The list with the results would be updated every time a battle happened, to see who’s winning the most battles.


Everyone is welcome and you can write here in this thread if you want to play.


Takamina victory vs:


10:0  -Zerk1                                                  T4       - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).     

10:0  -CowboyBebop                                  T3       - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).           

40:0  -USIK                                                   T3/T4  - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).

10:0  -FoBo                                                   T4       - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).      

10:0  -hotarm                                                T4       - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).        

10:0  -TenG                                                   T3/T4  - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).

10:0   -WolfKhan                                          T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…     

5:0    -Zi7                                                       T3        - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

5:0    -GOB                                                    T3        - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules 

5:0    -KnightMare                                        Т4/Т5   - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules 

5:0    - klop41SYN                                       T3       - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants)

5:0    -Summit                                              T3/T4   - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).     

5:0    -PrM                                                      T3         - Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).     

5:0    -JPhack                                                T4         - Battle with weapon of choice (and implants) + missiles

10:0   -WolfKhan                                          T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…  

5:0    -eXqt0r                                                 T3         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…(no white noise)

8:0    -Koldun                                                T4         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…  

5:0    -ugan123                                             T4         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules… 

5:0    -Shepboy                                             T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules… 

5:0    -eXequter                                             T3        - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules

5:1   -Crystaljack                           T3        - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules 

5:0    - JohnCarterOfMars                          T3        - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules  



new season started ^_^ 17.07.2014 ^_^



5:0   -Lordk                                                T5   – Battle without modules, just weapon of choice (and implants).

4:0   -VOL4ONOK                                      T5   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

4:0   -SS18SaTaN                                     T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -Crystaljack                                        T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

10:0 -WolfKhan                                          T5   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -HeyJIoBuMbie9u4k                           T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -AKIRA                                                T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -HeyJIoBuMbie9u4k(revanche)         T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -OmegaFighter                                   T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -P0wer                                                T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -LiveTuneR                                         T4   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -dustoil                                                T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5:0   -dustoil(revanche)                             T3   – Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.




New season started 27.01.2015 ^_^/


1:0   -Rikob{DNO]                                          T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

9-0   -Stormsystem[sCORP]                       T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules… 

8-0   -elljah[Tokra]                                         T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules.

5-0   -URaGaN[sCORP]                               T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

9-0   -CbIpH0                                                  T3         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

9-0   -NikOff[Pirat]                                          T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

3-0   -ArchRoller[NMS]                                  T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

13-7 -EQ3STR1A[NMS]                                T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…

1-0   -gMax[RDS]                                            T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules… 

3-0   -NeRzuL                                                  T3         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…  

4-0 -YellowSubmarine[DNO]              T4         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…  

3-0  -negativ[DNO]                                         T4         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…  

3-0  -zitruskiller[sRS]                                     T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules… 

1-0  -Aspari[ESB]                                             T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules… 

1-0  -VirusfilE[HawK]                                       T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…   

1-1  -OmegaFighter [WPK]                             T5 - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules



Thank you for your time,



I’ll take the T2/5 slots.

Dueling is what I’ve been doing since before they implemented Custom games. (when you used the lobby system in the chat-bar.)

Good luck.

Out of curiousity, why not use R1 ships where implants and modules have the least effect?

There aren’t enough choices in T1.

It makes it somewhat dull.  Not to mention, it’s the training Tier, so it’s not really balanced.

T2 is where the game reaches a perfect balance. With its low, but perfect amount, of modules and a good selection of weapons,

It’s the epitome of the game. I find that T2/5 have the best balances, currently.

Personally, I’d like to see a game-type where there is no captain, but you must still kill all of the enemy. 

This would be perfect for a 1 vs 1 game-mode.

I’ve been using the captain type for a while, but the +75% damage increase to both captain’s main guns can change things a little too much. 

Capture the beacons is the only true mode for this, currently, So it would be nice If there was a better variant. (Still in the realistic setting, of course.)

the essence of the theme in combat 1v1, no seizures of lighthouses or anything. a simple battle in which players compete in skill games on interceptors. T2 is not suitable for such battles.

I beg to differ. :slight_smile:

T2 Interceptors are my main specialty. So long as they are used right, I can vouch for their prowess on the battlefield.

They are the perfect types for matches for low module spam,

And you’ll get much more out of your opponent this way because he’ll have no choice but to aim.

With this, you’ll be restricting less.

You won’t have to complain about an ECM’s stasis, this way. I have no complaints on it,

But others just might. Don’t write off T2 so easily, I’ll fight you for it. Feel free to use any tier against my Stiletto. I won’t hold back.

I beg to differ. :slight_smile:

T2 Interceptors are my main specialty. So long as they are used right, I can vouch for their prowess on the battlefield.

They are the perfect types for matches for low module spam.

You’ll get much more out of your opponent this way because he’ll have no choice but to aim.

With this, you’ll be restricting less.

T2 interceptors? But there’s not enough energy regen to mantain a continuous AB.

Empire interceptors can keep up a continuous thrust.  

On other interceptors, if you can’t fight while using your energy properly, then you’re doing it wrong.

ECM’s have energy drain, CO’s have white noise and adaptive camo, and there is such a thing as letting go of shift.

While fighting, if you are always using thrusters then your opponent will always be able to hit you. It’s better to vary in speed, and

keep shifting between fast/slow while taking advantage of your strafe options.

Main Point: Don’t Panic.     



P.s. Even without active modules, a t2 interceptor is on par with a T3 without actives. Yes, the T3 can gain more speed,

But Speed isn’t everything in a fight.

Empire interceptors can keep up a continuous thrust.  

On other interceptors, if you can’t fight while using your energy properly, then you’re doing it wrong.

ECM’s have energy drain, CO’s have white noise and adaptive camo, and there is such a thing as letting go of shift.

While fighting, if you are always using thrusters then your opponent will always be able to hit you. It’s better to vary in speed, and

keep shifting between fast/slow while taking advantage of your strafe options.

Main Point: Don’t Panic.     



P.s. Even without active modules, a t2 interceptor is on par with a T3 without actives. Yes, the T3 can gain more speed,

But Speed isn’t everything in a fight.

T2 can not withstand straight up 1v1 vs T3, active modules or no modules, no matter. Amount of passives, access to weapon modifiers and implants gives a huge advantage to t3 interceptors in a simple, out of context duel. Maybe r6 vs R7 isnt that bad, but r8s and r9s creates a huge difference

Perhaps, however, the bottom line isn’t a fight against higher tiers. Like in any normal match,

you’ll fight against the same tier. In truth, the difference between a T1 ship and a T2 is a much larger gap than a T2 against a T3. I’ve personally used my Stiletto against  T3/4, and 5. I beat some of them.


Another bottom line is the actual skill of the pilot. If the other pilot is better than me, then of course I’d lose. But if I’m better, it’s more fun to give the other player a handicap.

Perhaps, however, the bottom line isn’t a fight against higher tiers. Like in any normal match,

you’ll fight against the same tier. In truth, the difference between a T1 ship and a T2 is a much larger gap than a T2 against a T3. I’ve personally used my Stiletto against  T3/4, and 5. I beat some of them.


Another bottom line is the actual skill of the pilot. If the other pilot is better than me, then of course I’d lose. But if I’m better, it’s more fun to give the other player a handicap.

True but due to limitations of T2 ships 1v1 will be a simple test to low ping and better aim, customization is almost non existent and you cant really come up with variety of builds and moves in a T2 ship, while using higher tier ships for a duel will provide wider field for build and customization and making them have higher impact on an outcome and not only simple mouse control.

That’s the whole point. Aim, don’t spam. It’s a good combination. It leaves you with just the

right amount of active modules. Not too much, not too little. It also requires you to actually aim.

If you want to fight Т2 whether you  Duelist to all comers at the technical level? make the list?

I’ll come forth to challenge you soon. If I beat you, I’d like you to join Behemoth, if you’re available.

I’ll come forth to challenge you soon. If I beat you, I’d like you to join Behemoth, if you’re available.


He’s with us in WPK, and very confortable I must add.

Sounds good, I’m more interested in the match itself. Are you using my method of bringing in corp mates now?

I’ll make a list of the challenges I take on, here.




Win: T2:


Loss: T2:




Win: T5:


Loss: T5:

Takamina   10 matches, 5 in the U.S.A server and 5 in Europe.  

Everything allowed. CO vs ECM  (I used the ecm)  Capture the Beacons.


10:0 KnightMare                    CO VS ECM                   T5         - Battle with modules. Everything is valid, weapons, missiles, modules…     

Sounds good, I’m more interested in the match itself. Are you using my method of bringing in corp mates now?

I’ll make a list of the challenges I take on, here.

He asked himself to join the corporation, we don’t go challenging people and “pink-slipping” them as cars, that’s not the atmosphere we want to generate :wink:

Use this site for better organisation:




It is easy to manage, much better than a forum, and you can do it live while hosting the tournament.


Here is an example what we did: 




The problem was that it took about 2 hours for these 20 games, but it was fun!

And please sign me up, or let me know if I can help hosting this challonge.com



Win: T5:


Loss: T5:


I am willing to participate against you on the T5. wait message in the game.