lazers are to op

I play star conflict already for a few days and I noticed that the lasers are to op 

fix this it not balanct .



sorry for my bad eng.

Which ones? Ceptor, Fighter or Frigate?


Because trust me, none of them are that powerful if you don’t know wtf to do with them.

lasers are the weakest weapons but they are easy to aim

lasers are not OP, unless bots use them, then they suddenly become OP.

lasers are the weakest weapons but they are easy to aim

That’s not all, though. The Ion Emitter needs constant contact with your target to do any serious damage. The Heavy Blaster is just laughable (at least I make sure to stand still a few seconds on my Guard, just so they see it’s not working at all), the Long Range Laser is good if you have a steady hand, but useless at anything below 4km and the Pulse Laser is just so chaotic, its only use is anti-cloak…


If anything, Lasers are underpowered because they use Thermal damage, something all ships are well guarded against.

…The Ion Emitter needs constant contact with your target to do any serious damage.

This is true for any lazer,

side note, Ion Emitters dmg increase is not dependant on a target, its correlated to current overheat (if i recall it correctly its about 2 seconds to reach maximum dmg output)

lasers are not OP, unless bots use them, then they suddenly become OP.


This is so true. Bots with lasers = game over.

Really? I mean… REALLY? Come on…

Lazers can stay as they are. Only people that A. Are new to the game and B. have no skill. 


They are not over powered and I personally never got killed by a lazer…far range. Lol. 


/End thread

Lasers suck. If I didn’t have to do this silly “Kill 3 enemies with a laser” contract atm I wouldn’t touch them with a stick, but because I do you can laugh at me as I try for minutes to burn holes into you with pulse lasers instead of blowing you out of the sky with shrapnel in seconds. :stuck_out_tongue:

lasers are not OP, unless bots use them, then they suddenly become OP.

Bots have a damn 100% hit rate with those things… freaking lethal, they are.

OP meant Disintegrator ?

OP meant Disintegrator ?


+1. Bots can accurately hit you. Except when you’re a pro interceptor pilot named JP HACK

JP, create a custom battle, make sure the AI’s set to hard, set only fighters and a covop for you, and dogfight the bot with Ion Emitter.


lasers are not OP, unless bots use them, then they suddenly become OP.

I concur, they’re lagless xxxxxxxx.

JP, create a custom battle, make sure the AI’s set to hard, set only fighters and a covop for you, and dogfight the bot with Ion Emitter.


I concur, they’re lagless xxxxxxxx.



They can miss up close