Late join matchmaking

No. Just no. This is absurdly frustrating to play, and I am getting utterly sick of it after only two games.


A 3v3 team deathmatch is bad enough, but then giving one side an extra player for 2 minutes when the kill count is 15 is just not on.


Beacon capture? Great! I love having our beacons captured by players who weren’t there when the match started and so weren’t accounted for in our team’s opening strategy! I love having to make plans based on a 4-man interceptor team and then suddenly fly into a Styx-Blood Tormentor combo!


That’s sarcasm, by the way.


This just seems to be the worst of all worlds - tiny, unsatisfying games where the rules change part way through, so you can’t actually employ proper strategy to try and offset some of the crapness.


How about you just tell us how many people are in the queue? How about you actually give us proper sized matches?

shooo shooo, this thing is the best thing happened to the MM in past year. I have not seen 8v8/12v12 T5 games in my time zone, in past 1.5 years, now i do.

I took part in a 7v7. And when I clicked the launch button to go straight back into battle, I went straight into an existing detonation game where my team was already a base down.


This would be tolerable if they actually had a proper matchmaking lobby, where you knew that as long as you stayed in the lobby you’d get to play games from the start.


Right now, it’s either join a tiny game and go check the forums until the match starts properly, or join a game late.


It should not be this hard to give a decent sized game AND let people take part from the beginning.

shooo shooo, this thing is the best thing happened to the MM in past year. I have not seen 8v8/12v12 T5 games in my time zone, in past 1.5 years, now i do.


Big games are great. Big games which are a clusterfuck because there was no unified push at the start, and are too short to actually allow teams to regain control, are not.


Seriously, we need this game to take a page out of the First Person Shooter genre.

  • Remove the looting mechanic. Just send people loot into their inbox if they win.
  • After a game, put everyone from that game into a lobby. Give them about 30-60 seconds to sort their stuff out, vote on maps / modes or whatever.
  • Randomise the teams and launch again.

People are so busy gushing over getting proper sized games back they’re not actually paying any attention to the fact that A) the quality is right down, and B) the game is too short for the size. I don’t want to take part in a 10v10 match when the outcome was decided by a 2v2 frigball before I joined.

Jasan, you are the living proof that no matter how hard you try, you will never satisfy all your customers. So far you are almost alone in your crusade. This new MM is the best thing in ages for the game, and it even covered partially my sadness when I saw that the craftable Recon is by far the ugliest and most useless ship of all the craftfable ships.


This new MM will surely need tweaking and some adjustments, but so far, it looks great.

Yeah the Cyning is an Eaglion EW. But the big matches are fine for now. The win loss isn’t much different from before but without the wait. They will also fix things again next week as this is kind of a test

I played a couple dozen battles yesterday, only a few of them were badly imbalanced, most were a lot bigger than 6 versus 6, and average queue time was less than 3 seconds. That’s pretty damn awesome compared to what was previously. Gameplay becoming more chaotic is a minor nitpick.

i like this new feature, even if it is just madness at the moment.


of course, this also will put more effort into organized battles becoming also important. and the game will evolve.


what i don’t like is the bugs and the lags with these systems, but they can be sorted out. and yeah, joining CtB when its almost over is a bit hopeless too, but ultimately, the chaos is really really fun.


instead of “i don’t like this” or “this is much better”, i would actually love to hear people trying to brainstorm improvements, how to make gamemodes more fair and balanced even if you join like that, and also to hunt down bugs.


i still don’t like the solution in the ui at all, at the moment the clicking, the waiting, and the lack of MM options generally is still open to debate, but otherwise i would say this form of MM is not bad for the game at all.

I am pretty much fine with the current system.


But PLEASE dont put me into Combat Recon games, where the captain is already dead and i cannot even spawn once. Happened already twice to me and it was extremely irritating.


Also please increase the kill limit for Team Battle. 10 is too low.

i like this new feature, even if it is just madness at the moment.


of course, this also will put more effort into organized battles becoming also important. and the game will evolve.


what i don’t like is the bugs and the lags with these systems, but they can be sorted out. and yeah, joining CtB when its almost over is a bit hopeless too, but ultimately, the chaos is really really fun.


instead of “i don’t like this” or “this is much better”, i would actually love to hear people trying to brainstorm improvements, how to make gamemodes more fair and balanced even if you join like that, and also to hunt down bugs.


i still don’t like the solution in the ui at all, at the moment the clicking, the waiting, and the lack of MM options generally is still open to debate, but otherwise i would say this form of MM is not bad for the game at all.



I played a couple dozen battles yesterday, only a few of them were badly imbalanced, most were a lot bigger than 6 versus 6, and average queue time was less than 3 seconds. That’s pretty damn awesome compared to what was previously. Gameplay becoming more chaotic is a minor nitpick.



Jasan, you are the living proof that no matter how hard you try, you will never satisfy all your customers. So far you are almost alone in your crusade. This new MM is the best thing in ages for the game, and it even covered partially my sadness when I saw that the craftable Recon is by far the ugliest and most useless ship of all the craftfable ships.


This new MM will surely need tweaking and some adjustments, but so far, it looks great.


Thank you guys for the reasonable and constructive feedback. The gameplay became more dynamic, fascinating and spectacular yesterday. But yes, we still have issues to fix.

Thank you guys for the reasonable and constructive feedback. The gameplay became more dynamic, fascinating and spectacular yesterday. But yes, we still have issues to fix.

Just to make a quick resume:

  • Game time is now too short for such big games. Maybe wait a bit and then try again with longer times 8 or 10 mins.

  • Team battle should start with max kills per team (40 iirc) Time will end the game if the game have very few players.

  • Currently the combat recon game can be tricky, since you can rush the captain in the first minute while people is still joining. Maybe don’t select the captain till there are more than 8 people in the game? Maybe combat recon games will start only after there is enough people?

  • Try to minimize the lag and spikes when people join midgame. I found myself almost crashing several times in a row at the start when you jump to a beacon in domination games, because the constant lag spikes of the people joining the game.


So far those are the most prominent issues right now.

Team deathmatch is now broken. I don’t know how this was missed…


Though by a LONGSHOT this was the best patch this game has ever had. Simply because mm got frikkin fixed.


I assume there will be a patch soon to set the kill counts for team deathmatch.


We have an actual game now. People are playing…

Team deathmatch is now broken. I don’t know how this was missed…


Though by a LONGSHOT this was the best patch this game has ever had. Simply because mm got frikkin fixed.


I assume there will be a patch soon to set the kill counts for team deathmatch.


We have an actual game now. People are playing…

Not really, people is playing the same as before, it just happens that now everyone is in the same game, instead of having a lot of small games at the same time.


Which is good.

There are obviously still a few kinks to work out, some of which I suggest can be fixed by:

  • Changing TDM killscores to dynamically increase when more players are added (so that a 12v12 game doesn’t have 10 respawns)
  • Not allowing a Combat Recon match to be joinable when the one or both captains are already dead.

BUT, this patch to matchmaking is probably one of the best things I have seen in a very long while. In my honest opinion, this is a step in the right direction, a diamond in the rough. Work out a few balancing issues via statistical collection and analysis, and boom, we have a quality matchmaker that will satisfy many people.


I applaud this change. It makes the game more bearable to many and more appealing to newbies (especially NA newbies) who used to quit due to the ridiculously long queue times.


EDIT: Oops, my first suggestion was originally KT’s suggestion. Did some poking around on the forums and [here it is](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28058-change-pvp-starting-respawn-counts-due-to-players-connecting-late/).