Lasers, the how-to

Can somebody tell me what’s the catch with the laser aiming? I feel like missing out on something rather fun. There are players that melt everything in their way and then there’s me, can’t land a single valid damage point…

You need good eyes and reaction to point every second on the enemies hull as laser are tricky accurate.

High rof and alpha damage + high crit chance (on any gunship using aim overcharge instead go for crit damage, but it depend on how fast you are able to “reload” it).

Ion/lazer depends more on build rather then aim skill.


Don’t forget the crucial mechanic about optimum range. I don’t remember the numbers, since I didn’t used them for a while now. 

It should be something like that: 75% of weapon max range = 100% damage. Higher value than 75% will mean scaling damage to the ground.


So to “melt faces” you need to be at a medium distance, and be also able to constantly hit the target in order to lower his resists. Not so hard to do since it’s an hit scan weapon, so you just need to “follow” the target while keep holding the fire button. 


P.s. shared cooler helps a lot, a decent range for this weapon in t5 is > 4400m.

Have a dynamic mouse with interchanging dpi settings on the fly :


For interceptors my dpi is 1800.  However, when I take out my lazor fighter of choice I change the dpi to 1200.  This makes the mouse have an easier flow to follow my target.  Also when not targeted and just trying to hit your target. Use your toggle zoom key (not zoom in key).  This makes your target that much larger for easy kills.  Its really easy to pop interceptors as there is no lead they cannot avoid, you will either hit them or you wont.  Its not like blue balls where you could be perfectly on your target reticle but they pull a 90% turn allowing them to avoid.


Most likely your missing because your mouse is moving too fast as your used to interceptors.


No0b tip :  Also when using lazors think predictively not just trying to hit your target.

For instance, when fighting against zombie I noticed that when he runs away from me he likes to do a spiral roll for his escape (many players do this:) Vs Tesla he used do so sharp movements in random directions.  The roll if predicted makes him very easy to hit as you can start your lazor trace in a roll clockwise instead of just trying to match his roll on the fly.


My standard range for this is above 3000m

I cannot but guess whether your problem is more about hardware, settings, technique, or genetics…

What kind of mouse do you have? How have you set it up? How are you holding and moving it exactly? What kind of framerates are you getting, and with what kind of graphics settings? What kind of monitor do you have? How many milliseconds of response time? How large is it? Is it close or far away? Do you play twitch shooters? Do you have other hobbies that train hand-eye-coordination?

I’ve got a Logitech G400, and before that a MX518 (almost identical older model). It isn’t exactly the best fitting mouse for me, as I feel like it is too long and obstructs movement sometimes, but I’ve gotten used to the thing, so whatever. It is sort of a compromise mouse suited for both palm grip and fingertip grip alike. Personally I’m holding it between thumb and little finger most of the time, so that wrist doesn’t need to be moved or raised. This kind of grip should be best for accurate aiming, but I guess some people might be off put by having to set DPI so high that a motion of about 3 centimeters will cover a widescreen monitor from one end to another. I’ve also set DPI of X and Y axises separately so that the intuitive circular motion I do with my hand (with eyes closed) will actually result in a circular cursor motion on the screen.

Anyway, it is a bit pointless to ramble when you define your problem so vaguely.

Here, take a “standard” ions build for it. At 3500m it melts frigs/fighters/“almost dead ceptors”





Uuuu Sparky 25% bonus… It’s the best Ion ship out there so maybe not the best example John… Still going Ions he must have in mind that RoF inplant, shared cooler & HFO ammo boosts dps on it. If he uses gravi then go for dmg increase ammo to boost dps. If he uses gravi beamer on a Jag he can go to 3,6 k dps with 5,5 k range (1horizon, range implant, range ammo & RoF inplant- needs 3 cap slots). Then a Ion Lion MKII with 3 cap slots can have massive Ion DPS with good range (target painter + ION destroy resists ). I’m not on my comp but can show some range Tackler builds or ION dps build…

Uuuu Sparky 25% bonus… It’s the best Ion ship out there so maybe not the best example John… Still going Ions he must have in mind that RoF inplant, shared cooler & HFO ammo boosts dps on it. If he uses gravi then go for dmg increase ammo to boost dps. If he uses gravi beamer on a Jag he can go to 3,6 k dps with 5,5 k range (1horizon, range implant, range ammo & RoF inplant- needs 3 cap slots). Then a Ion Lion MKII with 3 cap slots can have massive Ion DPS with good range (target painter + ION destroy resists ). I’m not on my comp but can show some range Tackler builds or ION dps build…

Rockwell is also nice with Gravi Beamer 



I haven’t had such a nice amount of good answers since… i was born lol, thank you very much.





That i have, but i fail in between somehow.





Thx for the build, i havent made 4k dmg build so far but ill get a hang for it, dont have much ships beyond rank11 to choose from but ill manage.





I don’t have a dpi option on my mouse but i try to tinker with the sensitivity options to see if that helps my aim, so far nothing changed lol.






Well, depending on my hardware it goes like this: laptop (i5 3230m, nvidia gtx660m, 8GB ddr3 1600mhz) and pc (i5 2320, radeon 7950, 8gb ddr3 1333mhz). No special mouse, the regular ones, with cable and wireless kind. I only change the sensitivity from time to time, depending on my need. FPS is 60+ always on high settings. Laptop screen is 15.6inch FHD 1920x1080 the desktop 21inch 1600x1200. Ping on both is somewhere around 40, 70 on russian servers because idk why, potato servers i guess and im in europe… Shitton of hobbies, idk what else u need?

Uuuu Sparky 25% bonus… It’s the best Ion ship out there so maybe not the best example John… Still going Ions he must have in mind that RoF inplant, shared cooler & HFO ammo boosts dps on it. If he uses gravi then go for dmg increase ammo to boost dps. If he uses gravi beamer on a Jag he can go to 3,6 k dps with 5,5 k range (1horizon, range implant, range ammo & RoF inplant- needs 3 cap slots). Then a Ion Lion MKII with 3 cap slots can have massive Ion DPS with good range (target painter + ION destroy resists ). I’m not on my comp but can show some range Tackler builds or ION dps build…



Fun fact

Fire rate on Gravy and Ions reduces time needed for their effects to reach max effect.

Nice fact indeed, now that u mention it… evil grin*

Nice fact indeed, now that u mention it… evil grin*

On a Tackler (jag with 3x Caps)

Gravy with base firerate - ~5.1 seconds till max slow on a target (continuous firing)

Gravy with max firerate (3x Heatsinks+ 11-2 implant) - max slow is reached in ~4.5 seconds

Another quick tip for ions: bind a key for “toggle zoom”. It helps A LOT.

Fun factFire rate on Gravy and Ions reduces time needed for their effects to reach max effect.

I go 1 puls discharger & 2 Iridium hastinks + dmg & RoF inplants on gravi & 1 Pulse 2 IRI HAS + RoF Dmg implants on ION’s…

Rockwell is also nice with Gravi Beamer 



Well everything with 2-3 cap slots can be a made a good DPS laser build… Still the best laser ship is Sparky, that add dmg is awsome. It’s great dps crit build. Well when Ithink about it Mjolnir 1-3-0-2-3 with overheat bonus could ba awsome with lasers

Somebody should try it tho :smiley: