Kill aliens missions not working properly

just had 2 missions bugged today. 1 in jeri and 1 in fed space. both of them were kill 1 of the harder aliens: in jeri was resource dump and had to kill a predator, the fed one is a special honour and i need to kill a hunter. in both cases the systems had multiple aliens of the listed type but none had the mission mark. killing them also did not complete the mission. i looked for other objects marked with ! with the hopes of it being some mistake, but found nothing.

just had 2 missions bugged today. 1 in jeri and 1 in fed space. both of them were kill 1 of the harder aliens: in jeri was resource dump and had to kill a predator, the fed one is a special honour and i need to kill a hunter. in both cases the systems had multiple aliens of the listed type but none had the mission mark. killing them also did not complete the mission. i looked for other objects marked with ! with the hopes of it being some mistake, but found nothing.

In cases like this, Jarl with rank 2 Federation implant and 3 TV Mark 5 Enhanced Sensors might do the trick. You can almost see 22km around you.

I think that you simply looked at the wrong place. Did you record any screenshots?

[how to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)



thats what you usually say, right?