Kill a God - and win a DLC



Well i’m giving away a DLC.

Star Conflict: Fleet Strength - Razor


Who can participate in this ?
Anyone with a steam account and don’t already have this DLC.



Jericho sector : Stripped Deposits

How to win this?
I’ll be flying around in open space.
I will be flying alone/around with 2 other squad members that will help me.
U can kill my squad members but thats not the way to get the DLC.
For the DLC you need to kill me !!




I’f you killd me i’ll contact you for your steam account and Gift you the DLC.


When is this ?



18.00 UTC+1 / 06.00PM UTC+1


sincerely DeadlyConcepta

Ingame name : xevilxGodlike







Winner of 03-10-2015

Star Conflict: Pirate Pack - Jolly Roger

ProSteeck <—> Gifted to NoMoreMercy

in which Server Region are you?

You sure you want to organise this in open space? There is a thrill that it can go off control, like whole wing launch at you.

You sure you want to organise this in open space? There is a thrill that it can go off control, like whole wing launch at you.

ATm is tournament

You said until you are dead and then you press self destruc when i got into the sector?

lets give it nexst week a round 2. so that i also can invite you guys in my group to get you in the same sector as me… this time we tested it out. it was fun but becoz i whas that stupid and didnt checkd the time of the tournaments …

where doing this the nexst saturday again.


No worries if everything is like suspected and i find the fun im searching for, i’m going to do this every weekend with difrent DLC’s


But thats still undesided

lets give it nexst week a round 2. so that i also can invite you guys in my group to get you in the same sector as me… this time we tested it out. it was fun but becoz i whas that stupid and didnt checkd the time of the tournaments …

where doing this the nexst saturday again.


No worries if everything is like suspected and i find the fun im searching for, i’m going to do this every weekend with difrent DLC’s


But thats still undesided

Why dont you choice an independent player to invite other player so you dont have to kick and invite them all the Time

Very good point , Thank you !!

For thows intrested. ill be flying around in open space. The first person to kill me, wins a DLC.

cool idea mate, buuuut somehow it sound like the silly event the devs recently made. way too obscure how and where to find them even if i was looking for hours. few things about open space: a lot of different servers all over the world means no idea if i will get on the same you are. open space is goddam big and we also dont know if you will jump around. another thing that comes to mind is: what ship will you fly. you can choose to get a recon or a cruise tackler and just poof if ppl get close. or u can get some insane resist guard or engy together with your friends. also what tier ships? you see? so many variables and nothing set. speaking of set. you named a date. cool. time? different timezones etc? think all through and try to post again. i may even join :stuck_out_tongue:

cool idea mate, buuuut somehow it sound like the silly event the devs recently made. way too obscure how and where to find them even if i was looking for hours. few things about open space: a lot of different servers all over the world means no idea if i will get on the same you are. open space is goddam big and we also dont know if you will jump around. another thing that comes to mind is: what ship will you fly. you can choose to get a recon or a cruise tackler and just poof if ppl get close. or u can get some insane resist guard or engy together with your friends. also what tier ships? you see? so many variables and nothing set. speaking of set. you named a date. cool. time? different timezones etc? think all through and try to post again. i may even join :stuck_out_tongue:

Please Dont be a Fool … go back to school (im doing the same to learn propper eng)(not realy thow) U can add me to your friends list, but i prefer follow list. then when ever its saturday , contact me . we’ll get u in the same server. i prefer EU. but i can fight everywhere besides asian servers. so beeing in the same place is not a real problem , only for short sighted people. then difrent time zones. if u followed this a bit earlyer then u saw that i whas even in specifiv places . and ofcorp im in T5 SHIPS my friend … and my friends are aswell. now for the people that come over in lower rankd ships. dude im not a xxxx, but for thows comming after me with a crew. ofcoooorz iv got an engi to heal my xxxx up when ever needed + an other one to protect my engi while im attack are attackers… so yeah my friend its all about fun. and again for the newer pilots out there. dont be feard of a T5 ship !! u might win this DLC just for effort !!!

There i’ll fix it back to a place and time :005j:

anyone still got intrest in this?