Keyboard Language Constantly changes from English to Cyrillic



 I have a keyboard that supports English (Latin) and Bulgarian (Cyrillic) languages and I use bot of course. While playing the game my typing language

constantly changes to Cyrillic by itself. This is quite annoying because I have to switch again to English when I want to type in the in game chat. Please,

fix this.


 I forgot to mention that I am using the English version of the game and my default language is English. I do not understand why the game client prefers the Cyrillic alphabet

to the latin one.



This is not really a bug. It’s happening when you use a key bind ingame that is also a key bind to swap the keyboard.


Can you check your “Windows Key bind” ?

It could be the solution about this problem :slight_smile:

This is not really a bug. It’s happening when you use a key bind ingame that is also a key bind to swap the keyboard.


Can you check your “Windows Key bind” ?

It could be the solution about this problem :slight_smile:

This. By default Left Alt + Shift switches the input language - a key combination you are likely to use in Star Conflict. You can access your input language settings including key binds by right clicking the language bar and selecting settings. Personally I have the input language switching keybinds disabled.



 Yes, my default key binding which I use to switch the input language is Left Shift + Alt. But I am not using this combo in game… The only key that I am using is Shift (to use the afterburner). ALT is used for “All eyes on target” command. I do not us the two keys at the same time. It really makes no sense why I will constantly get the Cyrillic but I will try changing

the key binding for switching of the keyboard layout to see whether this will help. Thanks!