
how to get +1 +2 or higher karma rank?my karma point is 849 and what happens when karma is high?

I’m not that karma genious…

But i can tell you some facts.

To get plus karma you have to do: Kill pirates, kill criminal players, success in missions.

With enough plus karma you get some achievements. If you have enough karma you’re allowed to kill players with deep minus karma without getting criminal.

Minus Karma, kill innocents, police & orange players. No matter how much karma they have.

-2 All Guard turrets shoot on you, no matter about your status.

Dunno really what -3, -4, -5 have for effects…

Kill evil guys if you want to become good.

Kill good guys if you want to become evil.


If you have enough karma you’re allowed to kill players with deep minus karma without getting criminal.

Woah, what? I never knew that!

orange players

and what is that orange player?neutral player at karma level 0?who are those red players,another fraction’s players?

for +1 you need 1000 points

for +2 you need 15 000 points


and I dont like to scare you on the requirements for the others :slight_smile:

for +1 you need 1000 points

for +2 you need 15 000 points


and I dont like to scare you on the requirements for the others :slight_smile:



and what is that orange player?neutral player at karma level 0?who are those red players,another fraction’s players?


Orange/Yellow players are at Karma 0.


Red players are either aggressors, criminals, or players who are steeped deeply in the dark side. On that note, there’s quite a number of Karma -5 players. If you see a Karma 5 player, chances are there are 5-10 more Karma -5 players for every one like him.

Well, my Karma is at -28k atm, when they released invasion i got -15000 in one day! ^^

Player hunt is still open.

Orange = Players without station protection. No matter of their karma Level.

Well, my Karma is at -28k atm, when they released invasion i got -15000 in one day! ^^

Player hunt is still open.


Return Efefay’s shirt and bananas now~! If you don’t I’m not going to go after you.


Why is it so much harder to increase karma?  :fed003: Indeed, it’s hard being one of the good guys.

Yellow - Orange Players => Baits.


Who will ever go without station protection if you are not combat ready?  :fed004:



how to get +1 +2 or higher karma rank?my karma point is 849 and what happens when karma is high?


Karma level 1 (or -1) : 1 000 points

Karma level 2 (or -2) : 15 000 points

Karma level 3 (or -3) : 50 000 points

Karma level 4 (or -4) : 210 000 points

Karma level 5 (or -5) : ?? (not yet reached with the last update)

the negative Karmalevel requirements differ from the positive if I am right (but no 100% sure.)


Please check the leaderboard to get a good overview on this.

If you don’t I’m not going to go after you.


Yellow - Orange Players => Baits.


Who will ever go without station protection if you are not combat ready?  :fed004:




I’m not combat ready but I’m duplicator ready :005j: I will hunt my killer till his fuel runs out :013j:

Before Kine went on a hiatus or leave from game he lent me his Malaysian bananas for safe keeping. Too bad I failed him. Omega please give me back Kine’s bananas.

Before Kine went on a hiatus or leave from game he lent me his Malaysian bananas for safe keeping. Too bad I failed him. Omega please give me back Kine’s bananas.

Nevarrr, i stored them in stashes and i’ve thrown them somewhere in invasion, go and search them!

Dunno what happened with Kine ._. Maybe he’ll come back, like Snib did.

i dont know what to say after reading all these comments 

![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”) ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”) ![:blink:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/blink.png “:blink:”)

1 hour ago, shanto82 said:

i dont know what to say after reading all these comments 

![:007_3:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_3.png “:007_3:”) ![:007j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007j.png “:007j:”) ![:blink:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/blink.png “:blink:”)

Maybe nothing since the thread is over 2y old…

On 5/19/2017 at 2:03 PM, John161 said:

Maybe nothing since the thread is over 2y old…

Old threads should get automatically locked, if inactive for certain period of time.