
One can work hours just to gain 1000 karma points trying to kill anything from predators to pirates. Killed 5 players and you can lose 1000 points. The hunters predators and other difficult enemies should have a much greater reward. It should be equal to player kills. 


The point system seems horribly unbalanced atm. The reward system for os is so weak it is not really worth the time. Once this griefing event is over I won’t be spending much time out there. Unless some major changes are done to the loot and karma points balance.

Major changes ??? OS has been crap for a year and a half now … are you just coming back to the game ? OS is good for one thing only … 8 monocrystals a day and nothing more …

Atm we are forced to grind xeno chips. While doing so I have observed the following. Yes OS has been unrewarding for a very long time. They even ruined Spatial Scanner an expensive module thats now junk. Not once has spatial scanner given me something I dont already find without it. The blue items are a waste of time to fly circles for. Now this is where the same 5 haters come in and tell me I am doing it wrong.

Nah. Ya have it all right.

OS is trash in every way. Used to be great.

i love OS : ) and more, with spacial scanner…when i find something i looking for, i keep ofc, if it’s other stuff i give to my corp’s mates.

i give often credits, enriched beryllium or éléctrum, or just ores they need.

But you must have a “strategy” to find blues spots,

if there’s too many ppl, no way to find, and you must know if you find one in a map, you can’t find the next in same map for few minutes.

I mean you have time to visite the beside map.

Also; for karma, it’s very long, yes, to get… i try to reach 250 k, but hard…also,  you can’t try to get max karma and kill players at same time; you must choise, or it will take age for nothing.

Maybe i will try to get negative karma, later : )

Spacial scanner still worth to get, untill dev decide to delete all blues spots in OS, as they done one time, just after they made a 50% discount !! was mad. for some months. ![:012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012.png “:012:”)

But now it’s ok, i find all blues spots as before.


But waiting too for other maps , other things to do ![:003:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003.png “:003:”)


7 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Used to be great.


everything in OS that takes 3 hours to get can be  had in less than 1 hour of PVE without a $20 scanner OS doesn’t even exist anymore

Each mode gives out something the others can’t, at least not in time/effort ratio.

7 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Each mode gives out something the others can’t

Mmmmmmmm no not really. Everything that’s in OS you can get in random PvP/PvE/PvAI loot. Much faster and easier. And as far as credits go, OS is absolutely useless.


You used to get Iridium(Artifacts) from aliens at a pretty good rate. Now you barely get enough credit trash to pay for repair costs.

5 hours ago, SheenShade said:

Spacial scanner still worth to get, untill dev decide to delete all blues spots in OS, as they done one time, just after they made a 50% discount !! was mad. for some months. ![:012:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/012.png “:012:”)

But now it’s ok, i find all blues spots as before.



Mysterious container spots were not deleted. The few places they usually appeared were just replaced with some very awkward coordinates that were hard to find. I think that was because there were too much whining about os loots, spatial scanner and sh… Also, that might have been the time new coordinates have been given. I don’t know.


Anyway. Around big event times and by the approach of new contents it is always wise to check on the loot drop changes. Sometimes it goes crazy for a few hours or days. Right now it is quite nice.

yes, was too hard to  find !  didn’t wanted to spend hours in os to find 1 mystérious container, with… 1 computing ship inside … ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”)

for me this rate was same as nothing in compare with now.

And guys, OS is just a nice alternative when we are tired of same maps with same battles in pve, co op, and pvp, even if we get less and slower stuff, no matter.

But we can’t compare style of play, everbody have his own taste. and preferences. Most important is to find a goal to stay in game.


6 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Mmmmmmmm no not really. Everything that’s in OS you can get in random PvP/PvE/PvAI loot. Much faster and easier. And as far as credits go, OS is absolutely useless.


You used to get Iridium(Artifacts) from aliens at a pretty good rate. Now you barely get enough credit trash to pay for repair costs.

When i farmed synergy for my standard ships i used os for it, 40 minutes on plain one day premium got me 570k synergy without any other bonuses, without premium it was just half. With damage dealer classes things got even faster like 30ish minutes to reach the OS syn cap. It’s even more viable today with alien ammo and free one day premium license. Thats just one thing that makes it better than the other modes where i got 10k syn per win and only 20-25k for first win bonuses.


As for loot in general im fairly efficient with spatial scanner, dished out dozens of enriched stuff and high value items + i know where to find a mono here and there with some extra loot i pick from certain npcs, thats outside spatial scanner that is. IF you want to look at it from an interactive point of view, yeah, its not much, but its simplicity makes it really easy to find stuff and notice patterns and weird stuff that indicate high value loot. I mean, i can’t be lucky for months in a row.

13 hours ago, SheenShade said:

But you must have a “strategy” to find blues spots,


Also; for karma, it’s very long, yes, to get… i try to reach 250 k, but hard…also,  you can’t try to get max karma and kill players at same time; you must choise, or it will take age for nothing.

Maybe i will try to get negative karma, later : )




I can get negative 2000 karma points in an hour just doing the daily kill 5 players. No way I can get positive 2000 points in the same time frame. The reward for positive to negative Karma needs balanced. Also some sort of other gain should be given for collecting these points in a os session to promote farmingit.


As for blues I have no problem finding them. They just give me junk. Anything I get from the scanner is usually worth less than anything I find not requiring it. The credits range for 100 to 46k. Most of the time 1k to 14k. Its really not worth my time. There shouldn’t be a strategy needed to use this $20 scanner. It should be more straight forward for the cost.


The point of this thread was to adress Karma. I take responsibility for derailing my own thread.

If you want negative karma you can get it 100 times faster than positive. I feel that is not balanced.


9 minutes ago, DrDeath_ScD said:

If you want negative karma you can get it 100 times faster than positive. I feel that is not balanced.


Why? It’s easier to be bad than to be good.

who cares?

Mysterious containers are pretty easy to find these days imo, take a fast ship, long sensor range and ur good. But the drop rate of good items ruins it. I was thinking about doing a map with all possible drop location but since os is about to get completely reworked there is no need for now. All I can say is, sit back, relax and enjoy the upcoming os update! ![:cool:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png “:cool:”)

this game isn’t for impatients players …or must spend a lot of gs.or just be never satisfied

luckily; i’m very patiente…

10 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

I was thinking about doing a map with all possible drop locations 


There was a map somewhere posted, but i have no idea where it is. But the issue is not finding them, it is what they drop. 


I hope in the rework they take karma and loot into account. The harder the prey, the more karma, and the bigger the loot drop value.