K. Carran quests

  1. I didnt get any rewards from quests.

  2. After completing quest I expected MY reward

4.The situation occurs with progress of my destroyers

  1. Since update. (with Carran quests)

  2. Here you go (I don’t know which logs I should attach)


[DeviceCaps.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11061)

[user_config.xml](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=11062)




Hello Igor,

did you reach rank 8 with an Empire ship or with the Federation engineer frigate “Anaconda” shown in your upper screen shot?

Hello Igor,

did you reach rank 8 with an Empire ship or with the Federation engineer frigate “Anaconda” shown in your upper screen shot?

Neither with Empire ship or Fed engineer frigate. Now i’m at empire T7 gunship

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

Hello. Find your three ranks for Empire, Federation and Jericho in the pilot profile. Those are the ranks that count. Click that shadow head icon near the bottom right next to your John456 name.

I want such an assignments! I never got them. It’s a bug!

You last quests type “Career progress” was completed at:

24.04.2016 07:39:00 UTC for EMPIRE RANK 7 and got ‘Engine package’

30.04.2016 15:27:17 UTC for JERICHO RANK 12 and got ‘Internal structures’

03.05.2016 11:25:10 UTC for FEDERATION RANK 12 and got ‘Internal structures’


OmegaFighter, on 31 Jan 2016 - 2:09 PM, said:

Here some info you want: Amount of rewards in total per rank, if you already complain about what you don’t get, you should at least know the values.


Faction Rewards (All factions have same)

Rank 1 - None

Rank 2 - Engine Package, 50k Credits

Rank 3 - Computing System, 100k Credits

Rank 4 - Deflector Package, 150k Credits

Rank 5 - 8 Neodium plates, 250k Credits

Rank 6 - 2 Reactor Packages, 300k Credits

Rank 7 - 3 Exterior Structures. 500k Credits

Rank 8 - 10 Neodium Plates, 700k Credits

Rank 9 - Engine Package, 900k Credits

Rank 10 - 2 Computing Systems, 1,1M Credits

Rank 11 - 10 Neodium Plates, 1,2M Credits

Rank 12 - 2 Reactor Packages, 1,3M Credits

Rank 13 - 5 Exterior Structures, 1,4M Credits

Rank 14 - Deflector Package, 1,5M Credits

Rank 15 - 15 Neodium Plates, 1,7M Credits

Total rewards for 1 Faction : 11,150 Million Credits (11.150.000), 53 Neodium Plates (You need 32 for a rank 8 Destroyer), 4 Reactor Packages, 8 Exterior Structures, 2 Deflector Packages, 3 Computing Systems and 2 Engine Packages.


Take this times three…

33,450 Million Credits (33.450.000), 159 Neodium Plates, 12 Reactor Packages, 24 Exterior Structures, 6 Deflector Packages, 9 Computing Systems and 6 Engine Packages

Ship Parts in Monocrystals: 240 + 432 + 120 + 198 + 132 = 1122 Monocrystals equals 187 daily days (If you visit all 3 stations) without premium license and 125 with premium license.


I hope this cleans up some things, so you can imagine better.

As I said… I didnt even get half of these. (Engine Package, Computing, Deflector, Reactor) Anything from lower ranks. 

As I said… I didnt even get half of these. (Engine Package, Computing, Deflector, Reactor) Anything from lower ranks.

the post you quoted is old and the numbers/components changed since then.

the post you quoted is old and the numbers/components changed since then.

Yep, rank rewards have been nerfed a lot.

  1. I didnt get any rewards from quests.


So in quintessence:

   Didn’t you really meant to say ::

       “I did not get as much reward as I expected from quests”?


That would have made it easier for us to understand your problem.

So in quintessence:

   Didn’t you really meant to say ::

       “I did not get as much reward as I expected from quests”?


That would have made it easier for us to understand your problem.

The problem is that I didnt get any rewards from lower ranks >~9-5. 

The problem is that I didnt get any rewards from lower ranks >~9-5. 

Skula says otherwise ?

Skula says otherwise ?

See screenshots.  Deflectors are crafted by me.

You last quests type “Career progress” was completed at:

24.04.2016 07:39:00 UTC for EMPIRE RANK 7 and got ‘Engine package’

30.04.2016 15:27:17 UTC for JERICHO RANK 12 and got ‘Internal structures’

03.05.2016 11:25:10 UTC for FEDERATION RANK 12 and got ‘Internal structures’

That was last career progress quests, which you’ve completed. And what you’ve got for them.


The problem is that I didnt get any rewards from lower ranks >~9-5. 

We need to know the exact quests (which ranks) and exact faction to follow you further

I have just one thing to highlight here: Rewards are not given retrospectively for any ranks you have reached with the three factions before this quest type was implemented. So if you had for example a rank 10 ship with Federation before this new quest came out then you are not supposed to get any reward for rank 1-10 for federation.  

I have just one thing to highlight here: Rewards are not given retrospectively for any ranks you have reached with the three factions before this quest type was implemented. So if you had for example a rank 10 ship with Federation before this new quest came out then you are not supposed to get any reward for rank 1-10 for federation.  

True. They should still give this feature to all players, even those, who already completed them - Veterans.

If the assignment was already completed, before this system got implemented, you could just simply click on the contract and click “Complete” button to get a reward. It’s possible to do this.

It’s the least they can do.

That was last career progress quests, which you’ve completed. And what you’ve got for them.


We need to know the exact quests (which ranks) and exact faction to follow you further

BS! This is my problem. Treatment of the consumers (like idiots) + representatives who know nothing. 

On screenshots you can clearly see that I didnt get any engine packages and 2 internal structures.


I have just one thing to highlight here: Rewards are not given retrospectively for any ranks you have reached with the three factions before this quest type was implemented. So if you had for example a rank 10 ship with Federation before this new quest came out then you are not supposed to get any reward for rank 1-10 for federation.  

So that means that I (old player) can go to hell? Because I shouldnt get anything from Empire >4, Federation >10, Jericho >11. Thats not a fair.

Have you obtained one of the rank 8 Empire ships yet? Not premium. Not the destroyer Invicible. A regular grind tree ship. If so, did that rank 8 Empire Career Progress still fail to register?

Have you obtained one of the rank 8 Empire ships yet? Not premium. Not the destroyer Invicible. A regular grind tree ship. If so, did that rank 8 Empire Career Progress still fail to register?

No, no and no, I’m at R7.


PS. Is this’s a technical support or what? 4 days and still nothing.