Just some questions

There are too many ideas and players that like to play these games got plenty more of them, judging from myself lol. We can agree on one thing tho, more and more content, lore, customization from ship to bay to drones and so on. Maybe they will implement everything we ask for or maybe not, depends on the majority, so far they have done a great job. I’m thinking they should remove the fuel part in free space, the rest is okay.  :001j:



Please i need help: I have succecifull build an dread but how can i declare a battle?? I cant find the answer i had search everywhere,oland probably other peoples have this question too.I have find galaxy map and swich to dread but i dont know how to attack

Please i need help: I have succecifull build an dread but how can i declare a battle?? I cant find the answer i had search everywhere,oland probably other peoples have this question too.I have find galaxy map and swich to dread but i dont know how to attack

Did you manage to get an answer somewhere yet?


If no, read on (warning - alien language to english speakers):


Daca deschizi harta (‘m’ sau pe ‘launch > map’) iti apar sectoarele.

In partea din dreapta jos a ferestrei cu harta ai un button in forma de ‘dreadnaught’ (galben). Dai clic pe el si iti apare situatia sectoarelor (cine le controleaza si cata aparare au in procentaje).

Da zoom in daca e nevoie.

Fiecare sistem (incadrate in dreptunghiuri) au deasupra scris numele si ora la care incep luptele, trecute in timpul tau (mie imi arata corect ora Romaniei).

Inainte cu 1 ora de ce e afisat si pana incepe lupta, tu trebuie sa anunti atacul - dai clic dreapta pe sectorul care il vrei si dai ‘announce attack’ (costa iridium).

Peste o ora iti formezi o echipa de 8 oameni si dai clic pe sector din nou si apesi pe ‘press to register’. Sunt cateva minute pentru atacanti sa se arate in actiune, apoi cateva pentru aparatori sa se inregistreze dupa care incepe lupta.

Sectoarele sunt de T3 si T4 - uita-te ce tier cere la fiecare inainte sa ataci sa nu fie degeaba.
