Just me or?

Hey, I like the new update with the “Preview” buttom, which allows you to check out a ship on how awsome it is, altough I have noticed something really wierd.

It’s about the scale of the ship. When you preview a Frigade, you can clearly see that it’s much bigger than a fighter and a interceptor, (You could see it before with the humans waiting outside to before) altough ingame, in a battle, you can see that the size of a frigade is nearly like the size of an interceptor ( Dunno about fighters, but I do know about the interceptors because I play it and sneak behind frigades). 

Some images which I have marked around a bit ( no offense meant ),which shows that they are clearly much bigger.




( READ FIRST! )I do have a ingame fight with an frigade vs interceptor, altough they are so far away that my interceptor apeared bigger than the frigade… But I link the image anyway




So my question is… What’s up with the scaling in the game?

Depth perception.


Everything far away is smaller, that’s all there is to it.  There’s also an enemy fighter being attacked by an allied interceptor.  That interceptor’s tiny.  The red/blue square corners can give you an idea of the distance.  The interceptor’s half the size of the fighter.


Perhaps this screenshot is a better representation of the scaling of ships in-game. As jrisom said, objects in the background appear smaller than those in the foreground. In the image, the ship on top is a frigate, and the one on the bottom is an interceptor.

Anytime you can use that pic eh? lol. Yeah, everything is scaled appropriately though of that I can assure you. Get close to one of your own friendly engineers and you will see that.

‘Land’ your interceptor on a Jericho Guard in-game and the scale becomes pretty clear :slight_smile:

‘Land’ your interceptor on a Jericho Guard in-game and the scale becomes pretty clear :slight_smile:

You tried to do that with a Machete. Last I recall, it didn’t work out so well.

You tried to do that with a Machete. Last I recall, it didn’t work out so well.


The Guard frigate pilot in question :stares: was uncooperative in allowing me to attach my docking clamps and opening his airlock for entry.



The Guard frigate pilot in question :stares: was uncooperative in allowing me to attach my docking clamps and opening his airlock for entry.

Not to mention said Guard pilot got rammed by a Beacon Drone and was pushed backwards by it.

Then it was just me! :smiley:

‘Land’ your interceptor on a Jericho Guard in-game and the scale becomes pretty clear :slight_smile:

A quick shot done during a lull in PvE:



The tag line was, “You drive, I shoot. FUSION!”

And yes, Censored. I treasure that picture more than I probably should.